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The General Chapter


  • constitution
    • Confirmed ACG 1968 River Forest n.
    Revision history

    A general chapter, which has the highest authority in the Order, is a gathering of the brothers representing the provinces of the Order to discuss and decide those matters which pertain to the good of the whole Order and, if the need should arise, to elect the Master of the Order.


  • constitution
    • Confirmed ACG 1968 River Forest n.
    Revision history

    Three sorts of general chapter are recognized in the Order: the elective chapter, the chapter of diffinitors, and the chapter of priors provincial.


  • constitution
    • Confirmata ACG 2016 Bologna n. 300
    Revision history

    The following assemble and have votes in a general elective chapter: 

    1. In the election of a Master of the Order:
      1. ex-Masters of the Order;
      2. all priors provincial;
      3. from each province, the diffinitor of the general chap­ter; 
      4. vice-provincials and vicars general, as provided for in n. 257, § II;
      5. a socius of the diffinitor of a general chapter from each province which has at least one hundred professed religious, excluding, however, those who are assigned to convents of the vicariates and those directly assigned to convents under the immediate jurisdiction of the Master of the Order;
      6. a socius of the prior provincial attending a general chapter from each province which has at least four hundred professed religious, excluding, however, those who are assigned to convents of the vicariates, and those directly assigned to convents under the immediate jurisdiction of the Master of the Order;
      7. a delegate from each province which has between twenty-five and one hundred brothers assigned in vicariates or houses of the province outside the boundaries of the province, the del­egate shall be elected from among the brothers and by them according to the provincial statute; furthermore, from each province which has between 101 and 200 brothers assigned to convents of the vicariates, a second delegate shall be elected, and so on.
      8. from among brothers directly assigned to convents un­der the immediate jurisdiction of the Master of the Order, two delegates if they total fewer than one hundred, three delegates if they total one hundred or more, chosen as laid down in n. 407-bis.
    2. In matters to be dealt with after the election of the Master:
      1. the newly elected Master of the Order;
      2. ex-Masters of the Order;
      3. all those mentioned in § I, 2-8;
  • constitution
    • Technice ACG 2013 Traugurii n. 236
    • Adprobata cum ordinatione ACG 2013 Traugurii n. 237
    Revision history

    The following assemble and have votes in a general elective chapter: 

    1. In the election of a Master of the Order:
      1. ex-Masters of the Order;
      2. all priors provincial;
      3. from each province, the diffinitor of the general chap­ter; 
      4. vice-provincials and vicars general, as provided for in n. 257, § II;
      5. a socius of the diffinitor of a general chapter from each province which has at least one hundred professed religious;
      6. a socius of the prior provincial attending a general chapter from each province which has at least four hundred professed religious, excluding, however, those who are assigned to convents of the vicariates, and those directly assigned to convents under the immediate jurisdiction of the Master of the Order;
      7. a delegate from each province which has between twenty-five and one hundred brothers assigned in vicariates or houses of the province outside the boundaries of the province, the del­egate shall be elected from among the brothers and by them according to the provincial statute; furthermore, from each province which has between 101 and 200 brothers assigned to convents of the vicariates, a second delegate shall be elected, and so on.
      8. from among brothers directly assigned to convents un­der the immediate jurisdiction of the Master of the Order, two delegates if they total fewer than one hundred, three delegates if they total one hundred or more, chosen as laid down in n. 407-bis.
    2. In matters to be dealt with after the election of the Master:
      1. the newly elected Master of the Order;
      2. ex-Masters of the Order;
      3. all those mentioned in § I, 2-6;
  • constitution
    • Technice ACG 2013 Traugurii n. 236
    • Adprobata cum ordinatione ACG 2013 Traugurii n. 237
    Revision history

    The following assemble and have votes in a general elective chapter: 

    1. In the election of a Master of the Order:
      1. ex-Masters of the Order;
      2. all priors provincial;
      3. from each province, the diffinitor of the general chap­ter; 
      4. vice-provincials and vicars general, as provided for in n. 257, § II;
      5. a socius of the diffinitor of a general chapter from each province which has at least one hundred professed religious;
      6. a socius of the prior provincial attending a general chapter from each province which has at least four hundred professed religious, excluding, however, those who are assigned to convents of the vicariates, and those directly assigned to convents under the immediate jurisdiction of the Master of the Order;
      7. a delegate from each province which has between twenty-five and one hundred brothers assigned in vicariates or houses of the province outside the boundaries of the province, the del­egate shall be elected from among the brothers and by them according to the provincial statute; furthermore, from each province which has between 101 and 200 brothers assigned to convents of the vicariates, a second delegate shall be elected, and so on.
      8. from among brothers directly assigned to convents un­der the immediate jurisdiction of the Master of the Order, two delegates if they total fewer than one hundred, three delegates if they total one hundred or more, chosen as laid down in n. 407-bis.
    2. In matters to be dealt with after the election of the Master:
      1. the newly elected Master of the Order;
      2. ex-Masters of the Order;
      3. all those mentioned in § I, 2-6;
  • constitution
    • Confirmed ACG 1968 River Forest n.
    Revision history

    The following assemble and have votes in a general elective chapter: 

    1. In the election of a Master of the Order:
      1. ex-Masters of the Order;
      2. all priors provincial;
      3. from each province, the diffinitor of the general chap­ter; 
      4. vice-provincials and vicars general, as provided for in n. 257, § II;
      5. a socius of the diffinitor of a general chapter from each province which has at least one hundred professed religious, excluding, however, those who are assigned in vicariates and those directly assigned to houses under the immediate jurisdiction of the Master of the Order;
      6. a socius of the prior provincial attending a general chapter from each province which has at least four hundred professed religious, excluding, however, those who are assigned in vicariates, and those directly assigned to houses under the immediate jurisdiction of the Master of the Order;
      7. a delegate from each province which has between twenty and one hundred brothers assigned in vicariates or houses of the province outside the boundaries of the province, the del­egate shall be elected from among the brothers and by them according to the provincial statute; furthermore, from each province which has between 101 and 200 brothers assigned in vicariates, a second delegate shall be elected, and so on.
      8. from among brothers directly assigned to houses un­der the immediate jurisdiction of the Master of the Order, two delegates if they total fewer than one hundred, three delegates if they total one hundred or more, chosen as laid down in n. 407-bis.
    2. In matters to be dealt with after the election of the Master:
      1. the newly elected Master of the Order;
      2. ex-Masters of the Order;
      3. all those mentioned in § I, 2-8;
  • constitution
    • Inchoata cum ordinatione ACG 2010 Romæ n. 279
    Revision history

    The following assemble and have votes in a general elective chapter: 

    1. In the election of a Master of the Order:
      1. ex-Masters of the Order;
      2. all priors provincial;
      3. from each province, the diffinitor of the general chap­ter; 
      4. vice-provincials and vicars general, as provided for in n. 257, § II;
      5. a socius of the diffinitor of a general chapter from each province which has at least one hundred professed religious, excluding, however, those who are assigned in vicariates and those directly assigned to houses under the immediate jurisdiction of the Master of the Order;
      6. a socius of the prior provincial attending a general chapter from each province which has at least four hundred professed religious, excluding, however, those who are assigned in vicariates, and those directly assigned to houses under the immediate jurisdiction of the Master of the Order;
      7. a delegate from each province which has between twenty-five and one hundred brothers assigned in vicariates or houses of the province outside the boundaries of the province, the del­egate shall be elected from among the brothers and by them according to the provincial statute; furthermore, from each province which has between 101 and 200 brothers assigned in vicariates, a second delegate shall be elected, and so on.
      8. from among brothers directly assigned to houses un­der the immediate jurisdiction of the Master of the Order, two delegates if they total fewer than one hundred, three delegates if they total one hundred or more, chosen as laid down in n. 407-bis.
    2. In matters to be dealt with after the election of the Master:
      1. the newly elected Master of the Order;
      2. ex-Masters of the Order;
      3. all those mentioned in § I, 2-8;


  • constitution
    • Confirmata ACG 2016 Bologna n.
    Revision history

    For the election of delegates to an elective general chapter, brothers from convents under the immediate jurisdiction of the Master of the Order are to be grouped by the general council into two or three electoral colleges, depending on the number of delegates to be elected. Each college must have at least twenty-five voters. The general council will also lay down how this election is to be conducted.

  • constitution
    • Confirmed ACG 1968 River Forest n.
    Revision history

    For the election of delegates to an elective general chapter, brothers from houses under the immediate jurisdiction of the Master of the Order are to be grouped by the general council into two or three electoral colleges, depending on the number of delegates to be elected. Each college must have at least twenty-five voters. The general council will also lay down how this election is to be conducted.

  • constitution
    • Technice ACG 2013 Traugurii n. 239
    Revision history

    For the election of delegates to an elective general chapter, brothers from houses convents under the immediate jurisdiction of the Master of the Order are to be grouped by the general council into two or three electoral colleges, depending on the number of delegates to be elected. Each college must have at least twenty-five voters. The general council will also lay down how this election is to be conducted.


  • constitution
    • Technice ACG 2019 Biên Hòa n. 406
    Revision history

    The following are assembled and have votes in a general chapter of diffinitors:

    1. the Master of the Order;
    2. ex-Masters of the Order;
    3. diffinitors elected by each province;
    4. delegates elected by each vice-province;
    5. delegates of other provincial vicariates, chosen in accordance with n. 409-bis, but excluding regional priors and vicars provincial;
    6. one delegate from among the brothers assigned to convents under the immediate jurisdiction of the Master of the Order if the total is less than one hundred, two if the total is one hundred or more, elected in accordance with n. 409-ter.
  • constitution
    • Confirmata ACG 2016 Bologna n. 301
    Revision history

    The following are assembled and have votes in a general chapter of diffinitors:

    1. the Master of the Order;
    2. ex-Masters of the Order;
    3. diffinitors elected by each province;
    4. delegates elected by each vice-province and general vicariate;
    5. delegates of other vicariates, chosen in accordance with n. 409-bis, but excluding regional priors and vicars provincial;
    6. one delegate from among the brothers assigned to convents under the immediate jurisdiction of the Master of the Order if the total is less than one hundred, two if the total is one hundred or more, elected in accordance with n. 409-ter.
  • constitution
    • Technice ACG 2013 Traugurii n. 241
    Revision history

    The following are assembled and have votes in a general chapter of diffinitors:

    1. the Master of the Order;
    2. ex-Masters of the Order;
    3. diffinitors elected by each province;
    4. delegates elected by each vice-province and general vicariate;
    5. delegates of other vicariates, chosen in accordance with n. 409-bis, but excluding regional priors and vicars provincial;
    6. one delegate from among the brothers assigned to houses convents under the immediate jurisdiction of the Master of the Order if the total is less than one hundred, two if the total is one hundred or more, elected in accordance with n. 409-ter.
  • constitution
    • Confirmed ACG 1968 River Forest n.
    Revision history

    The following are assembled and have votes in a general chapter of diffinitors:

    1. the Master of the Order;
    2. ex-Masters of the Order;
    3. diffinitors elected by each province;
    4. delegates elected by each vice-province and general vicariate;
    5. delegates of other vicariates, chosen in accordance with n. 409-bis, but excluding regional priors and vicars provincial;
    6. one delegate from among the brothers assigned to houses under the immediate jurisdiction of the Master of the Order if the total is less than one hundred, two if the total is one hundred or more, elected in accordance with n. 409-ter.


  • constitution
    • Technice ACG 2019 Biên Hòa n. 407
    Revision history

    The following are assembled and have votes in a general chapter of priors provincial:

    1. the Master of the Order;
    2. ex-Masters of the Order;
    3. each prior provincial;
    4. each vice-provincial;
    5. delegates of the provincial vicariates chosen from regional priors and vicars provincial in accordance with n. 409-bis;
    6. one delegate from among the brothers assigned under the immediate jurisdiction of the Master of the Order if the total is less than one hundred, two if the total is one hundred or more, elected in accordance with n. 409-ter.
  • constitution
    • Confirmata ACG 2016 Bologna n. 302
    Revision history

    The following are assembled and have votes in a general chapter of priors provincial:

    1. the Master of the Order;
    2. ex-Masters of the Order;
    3. each prior provincial;
    4. each vice-provincial and vicar general;
    5. delegates of the vicariates chosen from regional priors and vicars provincial in accordance with n. 409-bis;
    6. one delegate from among the brothers assigned under the immediate jurisdiction of the Master of the Order if the total is less than one hundred, two if the total is one hundred or more, elected in accordance with n. 409-ter.
  • constitution
    • Confirmed ACG 1968 River Forest n.
    Revision history

    The following are assembled and have votes in a general chapter of priors provincial:

    1. the Master of the Order;
    2. ex-Masters of the Order;
    3. each prior provincial;
    4. each vice-provincial and vicar general;
    5. delegates of the vicariates chosen from regional priors and vicars provincial in accordance with n. 409-bis;
    6. one delegate from among the brothers assigned to houses under the immediate jurisdiction of the Master of the Order if the total is less than one hundred, two if the total is one hundred or more, elected in accordance with n. 409-ter.


  • constitution
    • Confirmata ACG 2016 Bologna n. 303
    Revision history

    Each province which has at least twenty-five brothers assigned in convents of the vicariates or convents of the province outside the boundaries of the province has the right to send one delegate elected from and by those brothers according to the statute of the province to a general chapter either of diffinitors or priors provincial. An arrangement shall be made by the Master of the Order with his council so that half of the provinces shall be represented in one chapter and the other half in the next.

  • constitution
    • Technice ACG 2013 Traugurii n. 246
    • Adprobata cum ordinatione ACG 2013 Traugurii n. 247
    Revision history

    Each province which has at least twenty-five brothers assigned in convents of the vicariates or convents of the province outside the boundaries of the province has the right to send one delegate elected from and by those brothers according to the statute of the province to a general chapter either of diffinitors or priors provincial. An arrangement shall be made by the Master of the Order with his council so that half of the provinces shall be represented in one chapter and the other half in the next.

  • constitution
    • Technice ACG 2013 Traugurii n. 246
    • Adprobata cum ordinatione ACG 2013 Traugurii n. 247
    Revision history

    Each province which has at least twenty-five brothers assigned in convents of the vicariates or convents of the province outside the boundaries of the province has the right to send one delegate elected from and by those brothers according to the statute of the province to a general chapter either of diffinitors or priors provincial. An arrangement shall be made by the Master of the Order with his council so that half of the provinces shall be represented in one chapter and the other half in the next.

  • constitution
    • Inchoata cum ordinatione ACG 2010 Romæ n. 282
    Revision history

    Each province which has at least twenty-five brothers assigned in vicariates or houses of the province outside the boundaries of the province has the right to send one delegate elected from and by those brothers according to the statute of the province to a general chapter either of diffinitors or priors provincial. An arrangement shall be made by the Master of the Order with his council so that half of the provinces shall be represented in one chapter and the other half in the next.

  • constitution
    • Confirmed ACG 1968 River Forest n.
    • Abrogatus ACG 2010 Romæ n. 282
    Revision history

    Each province which has at least twenty brothers assigned in vicariates or houses of the province outside the boundaries of the province has the right to send to a general chapter of diffinitors or priors provincial one delegate elected from and by those brothers according to the statute of the province (see Appendix 17). The latter selection shall be made in such a way by the Master of the Order with his council that half of the provinces shall be represented in one chapter and the other half in the next.


  • constitution
    • Confirmata ACG 2016 Bologna n. #
    Revision history

    For the election of delegates attending a general chapter of diffinitors or priors provincial, all the brothers of the convents under the immediate jurisdiction of the Master of the Order are to be grouped together by the general council to constitute elective colleges (according to whether one or two delegates for each chapter have to be elected). Each of these colleges should have at least twenty-five voters. The general council shall lay down how this election is to be conducted.

  • constitution
    • Technice ACG 2013 Traugurii n. 249
    Revision history

    For the election of delegates attending a general chapter of diffinitors or priors provincial, all the brothers of the houses convents under the immediate jurisdiction of the Master of the Order are to be grouped together by the general council to constitute elective colleges (according to whether one or two delegates for each chapter have to be elected). Each of these colleges should have at least twenty-five voters. The general council shall lay down how this election is to be conducted.

  • constitution
    • Confirmed ACG 1968 River Forest n.
    Revision history

    For the election of delegates attending a general chapter of diffinitors or priors provincial, all the brothers of the houses under the immediate jurisdiction of the Master of the Order are to be grouped together by the general council to constitute elective colleges (according to whether one or two delegates for each chapter have to be elected). Each of these colleges should have at least twenty-five voters. The general council shall lay down how this election is to be conducted.


  • constitution
    • Confirmed ACG 1968 River Forest n.
    Revision history
    1. Some of the socii of the Master of the Order designated by him are to be present, and so too is the bursar of the Order; they have the right to speak without, however, having a vote.
    2. A delegate from each convent permanently under the immediate jurisdiction of the Master of the Order, as well as experts designated by the Master may be summoned and heard without, however, having a vote.


  • constitution
    • Confirmed ACG 1968 River Forest n.
    Revision history
    1. A general chapter shall be held:
      1. every three years;
      2. whenever the office of Master of the Order falls vacant.
    2. A chapter may, if it judges it opportune, call the next chapter within a shorter period of time.


  • constitution
    • Confirmed ACG 1968 River Forest n.
    Revision history

    This is the sequence of chapters: the elective chapter, the chapter of diffinitors, the chapter of priors provincial, and so on. A new series of chapters in the aforesaid order begins with the elective chapter even if the election of a Master has to be held before the completion of the nine-year period.


  • ordination
    • Confirmed ACG 1968 River Forest n.
    Revision history
    1. The place and time of a chapter shall be determined by the preceding chapter. The date assigned for the beginning of a chapter shall not be postponed or anticipated by more than six months except with the consent of a majority of the provinces.
    2. A general chapter shall be convoked by the Master or vicar of the Order by circular letter eight months before the date assigned for holding the chapter. Prayers for the successful outcome of the chapter shall be requested in this letter.
    3. When the office of Master of the Order falls vacant, an elective chapter shall be convoked within a month from the date of the vacancy. This time may be extended – but not beyond six months – if there is a grave reason and a majority of  the provinces consent.
    4. With the consent of his council, the Master or vicar of the Order may, for a just cause, change the designated location for the next general chapter.


  • ordination
    • Confirmed ACG 1968 River Forest n.
    Revision history

    The Master of the Order shall appoint a secretary general of the chapter who shall have charge of everything that pertains to the preparation and organization of the chapter.


  • ordination
    • Confirmed ACG 1968 River Forest n.
    Revision history
    1. Once the chapter has been convoked, the brothers who have the right to do so shall send to the Master or vicar of the Order the petitions and questions which they wish to propose to the chapter.
    2. The following, apart from the members of the chapter, may submit petitions and questions:
      1. all major superiors, the socii of the Master of the Order, and the procurator general;
      2. any chapter and council and also the moderator team of a centre of studies;
      3. any religious provided that his proposal is countersigned by at least five brothers who have active voting rights, or is presented by a member of the chapter who shall judge whether the petition ought to be submitted or not;
      4. monasteries or federations of our nuns; provincial or national councils of fraternities of St Dominic.
    3. Councils general or federations of congregations aggregated to the Order may submit their requests and suggestions concerning the Dominican family to a general chapter.
      1. Questions to be submitted to the general chapter by those who have the right or authority to do so shall be sent to the Master of the Order six months before the chapter;
      2. they shall be set down briefly in Latin or a modern language accepted by the general council and submitted on as many separate pages as there are separate questions.
      1. The Master of the Order shall see to it that the questions mentioned in § IV, 1, assigned to different commissions according to differing material, are conveyed to each member of the chapter as soon as possible;
      2. members of these commissions are: brothers with voting rights in the chapter (as provided for in nn. 407 to 409-bis) and the socii of the Master of the Order (as provided for in n. 410);
      3. the voters shall at once let the Master of the Order know which three commissions they wish to belong to, in their order of preference, while acknowledging the Master’s right to arrange things freely according to the needs of the chapter;
      4. the Master of the Order shall then appoint the presidents of the commissions and inform the capitulars about the commission to which each has been assigned so that in the meantime they may study very carefully the questions which have been assigned to their own commission.


  • ordination
    • Confirmed ACG 1968 River Forest n.
    Revision history

    Not later than two months before a general chapter, each prior provincial shall send to the Master of the Order an accurate report, approved by the provincial council, concerning
    the state of the province. This report shall be in the form designed for this purpose by the general council in which the more serious problems and statistical aspects shall be set out clearly. A copy of this report shall be distributed to each of the voters at the chapter.


  • ordination
    • Acceptata ACG 2004 Kraków n. 378
    • Definitive ACG 2016 Bologna n. 304
    Revision history

    A general chapter, under the presidency of the Master or vicar of the Order, shall be conducted in the following manner:

    1. on the day before the commencement of the chapter: 
      1. the credentials of the voters shall be examined by three of the brothers designated by the president. Serious difficulties shall be referred to the voters of the chapter;
      2. at least two secretaries shall be appointed by the president and they may be assisted by other secretarial staff;
      3. three revisers shall be designated from the voters with the consent of the chapter. It will be their task to verify in due time the texts that have been approved;
      4. the president, having consulted the chapter, shall confirm the allocation already made of chapter members to the various commissions, which may be modified if he deems it opportune.
    2. The chapter shall begin with the celebration of the Mass of the Holy Spirit. After the homily, in the prayer of the faithful, petitions shall be made for the successful outcome of the chapter and for the living and the dead.
      1. In the first plenary session of the general chapter, the method of procedure shall be discussed;
      2. the commissions begin their work. The chairman of each commission, having heard the preference of the other members, shall appoint a secretary from among the voters or other participants who shall record accurately the minutes of the commission; a commission shall conduct and conclude all business by public or secret votes; the chairman of a commission shall report to the president of the chapter as well as to the chapter itself in plenary sessions. The written resolutions of each commission shall be distributed to all the voters as well as the other participants before the plenary sessions;
      3. the Master shall give a report on the state of the Order;
      4. the Master shall give a report on his personal receipts and expenses to the commission on economic administration which shall inform the chapter about it;
      5. in an elective chapter, the election of the Master of the Order shall be conducted on the fifth day from the beginning of the chapter;
      6. the voters with the Master shall discuss chapter matters and shall make decisions by majority vote; there shall be a secret vote when the president or a significant number of the voters request it. If the votes are equal, the matter shall be remitted for further examination and a new vote. If the voting is still equal, the president of the chapter shall break the tie with his vote. Questions shall be resolved by way of admonition, declaration, or ordination, and if a new constitution is to be formulated, this shall be done without ambiguity;
      7. voters may propose questions for discussion even while the chapter is under way, and they shall determine the schedule for discussing them;
      8. a session must be held of the voters alone if a third of the capitulars have either previously requested this, or have approved this by vote at the request of a member of the chapter.
      9. within two days after every session, the minutes as well as the approved texts verified by the revisers shall be set out in a suitable place so that they can be examined by all. If a doubt is raised about an approved text, the revisers shall refer the matter to the chapter as soon as possible;
      10. the time and place of the next chapter shall be noted in the acts;
      11. during the chapter, the acts shall be prepared and signed by the president, the revisers, and the secretaries.
    3. If the Master happens to be away from the chapter, he shall appoint a vicar from among the vocals who will take his place in all matters.
  • ordination
    • Acceptata ACG 2004 Kraków n. 378
    • Definitive ACG 2016 Bologna n. 304
    Revision history

    A general chapter, under the presidency of the Master or vicar of the Order, shall be conducted in the following manner:

    1. on the day before the commencement of the chapter: 
      1. the credentials of the voters shall be examined by three of the brothers designated by the president. Serious difficulties shall be referred to the voters of the chapter;
      2. at least two secretaries shall be appointed by the president and they may be assisted by other secretarial staff;
      3. three revisers shall be designated from the voters with the consent of the chapter. It will be their task to verify in due time the texts that have been approved;
      4. the president, having consulted the chapter, shall confirm the allocation already made of chapter members to the various commissions, which may be modified if he deems it opportune.
    2. The chapter shall begin with the celebration of the Mass of the Holy Spirit. After the homily, in the prayer of the faithful, petitions shall be made for the successful outcome of the chapter and for the living and the dead.
      1. In the first plenary session of the general chapter, the method of procedure shall be discussed;
      2. the commissions begin their work. The chairman of each commission, having heard the preference of the other members, shall appoint a secretary from among the voters or other participants who shall record accurately the minutes of the commission; a commission shall conduct and conclude all business by public or secret votes; the chairman of a commission shall report to the president of the chapter as well as to the chapter itself in plenary sessions. The written resolutions of each commission shall be distributed to all the voters as well as the other participants before the plenary sessions;
      3. the Master shall give a report on the state of the Order;
      4. the Master shall give a report on his personal receipts and expenses to the commission on economic administration which shall inform the chapter about it;
      5. in an elective chapter, the election of the Master of the Order shall be conducted on the fifth day from the beginning of the chapter;
      6. the voters with the Master shall discuss chapter matters and shall make decisions by majority vote; there shall be a secret vote when the president or a significant number of the voters request it. If the votes are equal, the matter shall be remitted for further examination and a new vote. If the voting is still equal, the president of the chapter shall break the tie with his vote. Questions shall be resolved by way of admonition, declaration, or ordination, and if a new constitution is to be formulated, this shall be done without ambiguity;
      7. voters may propose questions for discussion even while the chapter is under way, and they shall determine the schedule for discussing them;
      8. a session must be held of the voters alone if a third of the capitulars have either previously requested this, or have approved this by vote at the request of a member of the chapter.
      9. within two days after every session, the minutes as well as the approved texts verified by the revisers shall be set out in a suitable place so that they can be examined by all. If a doubt is raised about an approved text, the revisers shall refer the matter to the chapter as soon as possible;
      10. the time and place of the next chapter shall be noted in the acts;
      11. during the chapter, the acts shall be prepared and signed by the president, the revisers, and the secretaries.
    3. If the Master happens to be away from the chapter, he shall appoint a vicar from among the vocals who will take his place in all matters.
  • ordination
    • Confirmed ACG 1968 River Forest n.
    Revision history

    A general chapter, under the presidency of the Master or vicar of the Order, shall be conducted in the following manner:

    1. on the day before the commencement of the chapter: 
      1. the credentials of the voters shall be examined by three of the brothers designated by the president. Serious difficulties shall be referred to the voters of the chapter;
      2. at least two secretaries shall be appointed by the president and they may be assisted by other secretarial staff;
      3. three revisers shall be designated from the voters with the consent of the chapter. It will be their task to verify in due time the texts that have been approved;
      4. the president, having consulted the chapter, shall confirm the allocation already made of chapter members to the various commissions, which may be modified if he deems it opportune.
    2. The chapter shall begin with the celebration of the Mass of the Holy Spirit. After the homily, in the prayer of the faithful, petitions shall be made for the successful outcome of the chapter and for the living and the dead.
      1. In the first plenary session of the general chapter, the method of procedure shall be discussed;
      2. the commissions begin their work. The chairman of each commission, having heard the preference of the other members, shall appoint a secretary from among the voters or other participants who shall record accurately the minutes of the commission; a commission shall conduct and conclude all business by public or secret votes; the chairman of a commission shall report to the president of the chapter as well as to the chapter itself in plenary sessions. The written resolutions of each commission shall be distributed to all the voters as well as the other participants before the plenary sessions;
      3. the Master shall give a report on the state of the Order;
      4. the Master shall give a report on his personal receipts and expenses to the commission on economic administration which shall inform the chapter about it;
      5. in an elective chapter, the election of the Master of the Order shall be conducted on the fifth day from the beginning of the chapter;
      6. the voters with the Master shall discuss chapter matters and shall make decisions by majority vote; there shall be a secret vote when the president or a significant number of the voters request it. If the votes are equal, the matter shall be remitted for further examination and a new vote. If the voting is still equal, the president of the chapter shall break the tie with his vote. Questions shall be resolved by way of admonition, declaration, or ordination, and if a new constitution is to be formulated, this shall be done without ambiguity;
      7. voters may propose questions for discussion even while the chapter is under way, and they shall determine the schedule for discussing them;
      8. within two days after every session, the minutes as well as the approved texts verified by the revisers shall be set out in a suitable place so that they can be examined by all. If a doubt is raised about an approved text, the revisers shall refer the matter to the chapter as soon as possible;
      9. the time and place of the next chapter shall be noted in the acts;
      10. during the chapter, the acts shall be prepared and signed by the president, the revisers, and the secretaries.
    3. If the Master happens to be away from the chapter, he shall appoint a vicar from among the vocals who will take his place in all matters.


  • constitution
    • Confirmed ACG 1968 River Forest n.
    Revision history
    1. It is strictly forbidden for priors provincial by their decisions to generate prejudice against diffinitors and it is likewise strictly forbidden for diffinitors by their decisions to generate prejudice against priors provincial. And if they attempt to do so, it shall be null and void.
    2. The secrecy of the chapter must be observed by all the participants concerning those matters which could cause harm or prejudice to the Order or to the brothers. The president, however, may determine if anything else must be kept secret.


  • ordination
    • Confirmed ACG 1968 River Forest n.
    Revision history
    1. The minutes of the sessions, signed by the Master of the Order and the secretaries, together with the documents pertaining to the chapter itself, shall be placed in the archive of the Order.
    2. The printed acts of the chapter shall be sent as soon as possible to all the provinces; there shall be at least two copies in every convent of the Order, and they shall be read in the manner laid down by the chapter.


  • constitution
    • Confirmed ACG 1968 River Forest n.
    Revision history

    The Master of the Order may not change the acts and decrees of a chapter but he, and indeed he alone, may dispense from them and declare their meaning.