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For the election of delegates to an elective general chapter, brothers from convents under the immediate jurisdiction of the Master of the Order are to be grouped by the general council into two or three electoral colleges, depending on the number of delegates to be elected. Each college must have at least twenty-five voters. The general council will also lay down how this election is to be conducted.

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For the election of delegates to an elective general chapter, brothers from houses convents under the immediate jurisdiction of the Master of the Order are to be grouped by the general council into two or three electoral colleges, depending on the number of delegates to be elected. Each college must have at least twenty-five voters. The general council will also lay down how this election is to be conducted.

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Ad electionem delegatorum euntium ad capitulum generale electivum, domus sub immediata iurisdictione magistri Ordinis ita inter se a consilio generalitio aggregentur, ut duo vel tria collegia electiva constituant, iuxta numerum delegatorum eligendorum. Unumquodque collegium ex viginti quinque saltem vocalibus constet. Idem consilium generalitium de modo hanc electionem faciendi provideat.

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For the election of delegates to an elective general chapter, brothers from houses under the immediate jurisdiction of the Master of the Order are to be grouped by the general council into two or three electoral colleges, depending on the number of delegates to be elected. Each college must have at least twenty-five voters. The general council will also lay down how this election is to be conducted.

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