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  1. To be promoted a master in sacred theology, it is required that a brother:
    1. be commendable for his life and prudence;
    2. have been totally dedicated to intellectual work for at least ten years from the completion of his complementary studies;
    3. be presented to the provincial chapter by the commission for the intellectual life of the province of affiliation or of assignation of the brother, and be approved by two thirds of the vocals at the same chapter, or by the chapter of the province of affiliation according to the same manner of proceeding, or by the Master of the Order, if the brother is living in a convent or institute immediately subject to him; (K, n. 356)
    4. that a commission of at least three experts in the field of scientific specialisation, chosen by the Master of the Order, pronounce favourably on the value of his work and his capac­ity to pursue it;
    5. that he be promoted by a general chapter, or by the Master of the Order with his council;
    6. that the newly promoted master give a public lecture (B, n. 245).
  2. Nobody is to be promoted a master in sacred theology except in the aforesaid manner. 
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  1. To be promoted a master in sacred theology, it is required that a brother:
    1. be commendable for his life and prudence;
    2. have been totally dedicated to intellectual work for at least ten years from the completion of his complementary studies;
    3. be presented to the provincial chapter by the commission for the intellectual life of the province, and be approved by two thirds of the voters at the same chapter, or by the chapter of the province of affiliation or by the Master of the Order, if the brother is living in a convent or institute immediately subject to him; (K, n. 356)
    4. that a commission of at least three experts in the field of scientific specialisation, chosen by the Master of the Order, pronounce favourably on the value of his work and his capac­ity to pursue it;
    5. that he be promoted by a general chapter, or by the Master of the Order with his council;
    6. that the newly promoted master give a public lecture (B, n. 245).
  2. Nobody is to be promoted a master in sacred theology except in the aforesaid manner. 
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The mastership in sacred theology is conferred on those brothers who are considered eminent in promoting the sciences, especially the sacred sciences. Excellence of this kind is established by an ability to develop and sustain doctrinal reflection and research, as well as by the publication of works of exceptional value; it is also established by an authority in the scientific field already acquired, even outside the Order.

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Priors provincial, vice-provincials, vicars general and heads of institutions under the immediate jurisdiction of the Master of the Order, assisted by their syndics (bursars), are responsible for sending to the Master of the Order by 31 August each year the following two documents:

  1. an Annual Economic Report. This is a comprehensive presentation of the economic situation of the entity. It shall include details of income, expenses, assets, liabilities, and annual budgets as well as major projects undertaken or planned. If the entity has different houses or institutes, this report shall give details of the economic situation of each one. The format of this report may vary according to local custom but must include all of the information requested above. A sample format is available from the syndic (bursar) of the Order.
  2. a Contributions (tax-deduction) Questionnaire. This is used to calculate the annual contributions from the entities of the Order. On the basis of this questionnaire entities claim their allowable deductions for formation expenses and for donations to other entities of the Order. The questionnaire shall be sent out each year by the syndic of the Order and its format shall be the same for every entity (Bo, n. 313).
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The electors are the brothers having active voice who are assigned to convents of the vicariate directly or indirectly by reason of office.

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Where the conditions for a regional vicariate indicated in n. 384 above are lacking, a provincial chapter has power to establish a provincial vicariate and to draw up a special statute for it. If there are at least ten voters, they have the right to elect a vicar provincial; otherwise, having consulted the brothers, a vicar provincial shall be appointed by the prior provincial.

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  1. The regional prior has charge of the vicariate as the vicar of the prior provincial and has, in addition to the faculties granted by the provincial chapter, the right:
    1. to assign brothers who are in the vicariate, without prejudice to the rights of the prior provincial;
    2. to confirm a conventual prior as provided for in n. 467 and to appoint superiors of houses as provided for in n. 332, unless the vicariate statute provides otherwise;
    3. to participate by right of office in the provincial council, unless something different has been laid down in the pro­vincial statute;
    4. to participate by right of office in a provincial chapter – see 352, § I, 1. (P, n. 494; K, n.372)
    1. The regional prior is elected for four years by the voters assigned in the region and is confirmed by the prior provincial with the consent of his council;
    2. when the time for which the regional prior was elected has expired or when for any reason whatsoever he has ceased to hold office, until a successor has been confirmed his office shall be held by the prior who has spent the longest time in the Order in the same vicariate;
    3. what has been laid down for a conventual prior in n. 302, § I, holds for a regional prior, mutatis mutandis. 
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  1. The regional prior has charge of the vicariate as the vicar of the prior provincial and has, in addition to the faculties granted by the provincial chapter, the right:
    1. to assign brothers who are in the vicariate, without prejudice to the rights of the prior provincial;
    2. to confirm a conventual prior as provided for in n. 467 and to appoint superiors of houses as provided for in n. 332, unless the vicariate statute provides otherwise;
    3. to participate by right of office in the provincial council, unless something different has been laid down in the pro­vincial statute;
    4. to participate by right of office in a provincial chapter – see 352, § I, 1. (P, n. 494; K, n.372)
    1. The regional prior is elected for four years by the voters assigned to the convents of the vicariate and is confirmed by the prior provincial with the consent of his council;
    2. when the time for which the regional prior was elected has expired or when for any reason whatsoever he has ceased to hold office, until a successor has been confirmed his office shall be held by the prior who has spent the longest time in the Order in the same vicariate;
    3. what has been laid down for a conventual prior in n. 302, § I, holds for a regional prior, mutatis mutandis. 
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Among other things, the following must be dealt with in the provincial council:

  1. the appointment or removal of a regional prior and of a conventual prior;
  2. the presentation or removal of a pastor, after consulta­tion with the chapter of the community to which the parish is entrusted;
  3. the erection of a house as a convent, in accordance with n. 262;
  4. the cassation of a decision of a conventual chapter or council, councillors assigned to that convent being excluded from taking part in the cassation;
  5. the transfiliation of a brother;
  6. temporarily excluding a brother from active voting rights for a grave reason;
  7. a declaration of the fact for the dismissal of a brother in accordance with common law (CCL 694, § 2). 
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