- The regional prior has charge of the vicariate as the vicar of the prior provincial and has, in addition to the faculties granted by the provincial chapter, the right:
- to assign brothers who are in the vicariate, without prejudice to the rights of the prior provincial;
- to confirm a conventual prior as provided for in n. 467 and to appoint superiors of houses as provided for in n. 332, unless the vicariate statute provides otherwise;
- to participate by right of office in the provincial council, unless something different has been laid down in the provincial statute;
- to participate by right of office in a provincial chapter – see 352, § I, 1. (P, n. 494; K, n.372)
- The regional prior is elected for four years by the voters assigned in the region and is confirmed by the prior provincial with the consent of his council;
- when the time for which the regional prior was elected has expired or when for any reason whatsoever he has ceased to hold office, until a successor has been confirmed his office shall be held by the prior who has spent the longest time in the Order in the same vicariate;
- what has been laid down for a conventual prior in n. 302, § I, holds for a regional prior, mutatis mutandis.
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