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De vicariatibus regionalibus

Art VI
Start Date


  • constitution
    • Confirmed ACG 1968 River Forest n.
    Revision history
    1. When, outside its own territory, a province has in another nation or region at least fifteen vocals and one convent in the strict sense of the term, a provincial chapter may unite them into a regional vicariate so that the apostolic activity and regular life of the brothers there can be better coordinated.
    2. it is the task of the regional vicariate:
      1. to have its own statute, approved by a provincial chap­ter;
      2. to hold its own chapters as laid down in the vicariate statute;
      3. to admit candidates to the novitiate and to first profes­sion.
      4. to admit to solemn profession and sacred orders unless there is a different provision in the provincial statute.


  • ordination
    • Confirmed ACG 1968 River Forest n.
    Revision history
    1. The regional prior has charge of the vicariate as the vicar of the prior provincial and has, in addition to the faculties granted by the provincial chapter, the right:
      1. to assign brothers who are in the vicariate, without prejudice to the rights of the prior provincial;
      2. to confirm a conventual prior as provided for in n. 467 and to appoint superiors of houses as provided for in n. 332, unless the vicariate statute provides otherwise;
      3. to participate by right of office in the provincial council, unless something different has been laid down in the pro­vincial statute;
      4. to participate by right of office in a provincial chapter – see 352, § I, 1. (P, n. 494; K, n.372)
      1. The regional prior is elected for four years by the voters assigned in the region and is confirmed by the prior provincial with the consent of his council;
      2. when the time for which the regional prior was elected has expired or when for any reason whatsoever he has ceased to hold office, until a successor has been confirmed his office shall be held by the prior who has spent the longest time in the Order in the same vicariate;
      3. what has been laid down for a conventual prior in n. 302, § I, holds for a regional prior, mutatis mutandis.