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  • constitution
    • Confirmed ACG 1968 River Forest n.
    Revision history

    The brothers who promise chastity ‘for the sake of the kingdom of heaven’ follow in the footsteps of Saint Dominic who for the love of God preserved unblemished virginity throughout his life. Dominic was so much on fire with zeal for souls that ‘he received all in a broad embrace of charity and since he loved them all he was loved by all in return, spending himself fully in the service of his neighbour and with compassion for the afflicted.’ 1


  • constitution
    • Confirmed ACG 1968 River Forest n.
    Revision history
    1. We ought to value our profession of chastity as a special gift of grace, by which we unite ourselves more readily to God with an undivided heart, and are more intimately consecrated to him. We imitate the virginal life of Christ who for love of the Church gave himself up for her. Impelled by our apostolic vocation we are wholly dedicated to the Church, and thus to love humanity more fully. Taking part in the work of eternal regeneration we are better fitted to receive more generously the gift of fatherhood in Christ.
    2. The practice of chastity leads effectively to a gradual purification of heart, to liberty of soul and fervent charity. Furthermore, we gain greater command of soul and body, and achieve a personal integrity which enables us to maintain a tranquil and salutary relationship with everybody.
    3. The life of chastity which the brothers profess is a true service and an eloquent witness to the kingdom of God present here and now. At the same time, it is a special sign of the heavenly kingdom yet to come when Christ will take the glorified Church to himself as his bride.


  • constitution
    • Confirmed ACG 1968 River Forest n.
    Revision history
    1. Those who aspire to make the vow of chastity in the Order should appreciate the role and dignity of marriage, which represents the love of Christ for the Church. They should realise that they are called by the grace of God to give a higher witness of that same love.
    2. Since the observance of perfect continence touches the deepest human instincts, and is a requirement in our Order for a fruitful apostolic ministry, it is essential that the brothers grow in physical, psychological and moral maturity.
    3. While chastity takes deeper and firmer root, the brothers need positive instruction and other appropriate helps, both divine and human, so that they can overcome the difficulties that arise and thus arrive at complete emotional integrity, both natural and supernatural.


  • constitution
    • Confirmed ACG 1968 River Forest n.
    Revision history
    1. Despite the crises that are likely to come their way, our brothers should persevere faithfully and unremittingly in continence, striving in every life situation to attain an intimate relationship with God through loving union with Christ. Sacred scripture and the eucharistic mystery will nourish this relationship, and it will be further strengthened by filial love for and devotion to the Blessed Virgin Mary, the Mother of God.
    2. At the same time, urged on by the love of Christ which is an expression of God’s friendship for all, they should in their apostolic ministry endeavour to become all things to all people. And as members of an apostolic religious family, to which chastity binds them more closely, they ought to foster fraternal charity and serene friendship.
    3. Conscious of their weakness, the brothers should not rely on their own strength but rather, without fear or timidity, they should practice mortification and the control of their senses and emotions. And while they behave with benevolence towards everyone, by a spiritual instinct they will reject whatever could endanger their chastity.
    4. They should use all appropriate natural means which are necessary or advantageous to health of mind and body.


  • constitution
    • Confirmed ACG 1968 River Forest n.
    Revision history

    All the brothers, particularly superiors, moved by a sense of brotherly communion, should with the greatest of charity help those of us who experience difficulties in the matter of chastity. They will do so by acts of genuine kindness, prayer, advice and whatever else that may seem useful.