- We ought to value our profession of chastity as a special gift of grace, by which we unite ourselves more readily to God with an undivided heart, and are more intimately consecrated to him. We imitate the virginal life of Christ who for love of the Church gave himself up for her. Impelled by our apostolic vocation we are wholly dedicated to the Church, and thus to love humanity more fully. Taking part in the work of eternal regeneration we are better fitted to receive more generously the gift of fatherhood in Christ.
- The practice of chastity leads effectively to a gradual purification of heart, to liberty of soul and fervent charity. Furthermore, we gain greater command of soul and body, and achieve a personal integrity which enables us to maintain a tranquil and salutary relationship with everybody.
- The life of chastity which the brothers profess is a true service and an eloquent witness to the kingdom of God present here and now. At the same time, it is a special sign of the heavenly kingdom yet to come when Christ will take the glorified Church to himself as his bride.
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