- Despite the crises that are likely to come their way, our brothers should persevere faithfully and unremittingly in continence, striving in every life situation to attain an intimate relationship with God through loving union with Christ. Sacred scripture and the eucharistic mystery will nourish this relationship, and it will be further strengthened by filial love for and devotion to the Blessed Virgin Mary, the Mother of God.
- At the same time, urged on by the love of Christ which is an expression of God’s friendship for all, they should in their apostolic ministry endeavour to become all things to all people. And as members of an apostolic religious family, to which chastity binds them more closely, they ought to foster fraternal charity and serene friendship.
- Conscious of their weakness, the brothers should not rely on their own strength but rather, without fear or timidity, they should practice mortification and the control of their senses and emotions. And while they behave with benevolence towards everyone, by a spiritual instinct they will reject whatever could endanger their chastity.
- They should use all appropriate natural means which are necessary or advantageous to health of mind and body.
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