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  1. The voters at a provincial chapter are:
    1. regional priors;
      2. vicars provincial elected according to the norm of n.389; to the extent that they have voice according to n. 384-bis and the statutes of the vicariate;
    2. conventual priors; if the prior cannot attend on account of sickness or another grave reason accepted by the prior pro­vincial, the subprior may take his place.
    3. socii of priors going to the chapter, in accordance with n. 490;
    4. delegates of the brothers, in accordance with nn. 497-501;
    5. a delegate of a non-prioral house with at least four brothers with active voting rights in the territory of any na­tion where there is no other house of the same province.
    6. a prior provincial who immediately before the chapter completed his term of office in that province.
  2. If the voters at a provincial chapter, elected in ac­cordance with the constitutions, are fewer than twenty, the statute of the province may make provision for extra voters. It is obliged to do this if there are fewer than ten voters. These, of whom there may not be more than three, are to be constituted such by election and not by personal entitlement.
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  1. When a brother has spent the year immediately preceding solemn profession, which for a cleric can be a scholastic year, in a convent of his own province, the prior provincial may admit him to profession, if the vote of the chapter and the vote of the council are favourable. He may also do so if the vote of either one is favourable, but not if both are contrary. In convents and houses where, according to n. 139-bis and n. 333, the council is not distinct from the chapter, the second vote is taken by the provincial council; in vicariates it is taken by the vicariate council.
  2. When a brother has spent the aforesaid year outside his own province, the vote of its chapter and council are consultative only. However, in that case a vote of the council of the province of affiliation is always required. If it is favourable, the prior provincial may admit the brother to profession but not if it is contrary.
  3. If a brother has not yet lived for a year in the convent of his actual assignation and is due to make solemn profession, the convent in which he spent the immediately preceding year takes a vote of the chapter and council according to n. 206, 2  But the convent where he is actually living must first take a vote for the sake of information.
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  1. All the brothers, especially those whose ministry is among adolescents and young men, should consider it a duty of their Dominican vocation to work actively and prudently in fostering vocations to the Order.
  2. Every province should appoint a promoter of vocations for whom, insofar as this is possible, this is to be his primary task.
  3. Everyone should remember, however, that the life and apostolate of each brother and of each community will be the first invitation to take up Dominican life.
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  1. All the brothers, especially those whose ministry is among adolescents and young men, should consider it a duty of their Dominican vocation to work actively and prudently in fostering vocations to the Order.
  2. Everyone should remember, however, that the life and apostolate of each brother and of each community will be the first invitation to take up Dominican life.
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Those brothers should be assigned to missionary work who had previously shown signs of a missionary vocation and who are well prepared for it. Special training for missionaries, both clerical and co-operator brothers, ought to be provided in a mission convent, or in a special institute where they can learn the people’s language, customs, history, culture and missionary apostolate.

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  1. A brother who is going to spend some time in the territory of another province should notify the relevant prior provincial in advance, with due regard for n. 137.
  2. A brother who is travelling should as far as possible stay in our own convents wherever we have them.
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I. The regional prior has charge of the vicariate as the vicar of the prior provincial and has, in addition to the faculties granted by the provincial chapter, the right:
1. to assign brothers who are in the vicariate, without prejudice to the rights of the prior provincial;
2. to confirm a conventual prior as provided for in n. 467 and to appoint superiors of houses as provided for in n. 332, unless the vicariate statute provides otherwise;
3. to participate by right of office in the provincial council, unless something different has been laid down in the pro­vincial statute;
4. to participate by right of office in a provincial chapter – see 352, § I, 1. (P, n. 494; K, n.372)
1. The regional prior is elected for four years by the voters assigned to the convents of the vicariate and is confirmed by the prior provincial with the consent of his council;
2. when the time for which the regional prior was elected has expired or when for any reason whatsoever he has ceased to hold office, until a successor has been confirmed his office shall be held by the prior who has spent the longest time in the Order in the same vicariate;
3. what has been laid down for a conventual prior in n. 302, § I, holds for a regional prior, mutatis mutandis. 

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The Master, if he is present, or as soon as he arrives, shall make the profession of faith in the presence of the chapter before he performs any act as Master of the Order.

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Once the election has been completed and accepted, all the brothers present in the convent shall be summoned and the name of the one elected shall be disclosed.

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