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  1. When a brother has spent the year immediately preceding solemn profession, which for a cleric can be a scholastic year, in a convent of his own province, the prior provincial may admit him to profession, if the vote of the chapter and the vote of the council are favourable. He may also do so if the vote of either one is favourable, but not if both are contrary. In convents and houses where, according to n. 139-bis and n. 333, the council is not distinct from the chapter, the second vote is taken by the provincial council; in vicariates it is taken by the vicariate council.
  2. When a brother has spent the aforesaid year outside his own province, the vote of its chapter and council are consultative only. However, in that case a vote of the council of the province of affiliation is always required. If it is favourable, the prior provincial may admit the brother to profession but not if it is contrary.
  3. If a brother has not yet lived for a year in the convent of his actual assignation and is due to make solemn profession, the convent in which he spent the immediately preceding year takes a vote of the chapter and council according to n. 206, 2  But the convent where he is actually living must first take a vote for the sake of information.
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