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  1. It is the task of the provincial council to determine for each electoral college whether the voters must come together specially to hold the election or vote by post.
  2. If the election is to be held in a special assembly:
    1.  the president and place of the election shall be deter­mined by the provincial council;
    2.  in the actual election, nn. 452 and 494, § IV shall be observed;
    3.  after the election of a delegate, provision shall be made in the same manner for electing a substitute in case of neces­sity.
  3. If, however, the voters cannot gather together con­veniently, it proceeds by mail, the
    prior provincial presiding, in accord with n. 455-bis and according to the following norms:
    1. if an absolute majority is not obtained in the first ballot, the prior provincial with his council shall proceed according to n. 455-bis, § II, 6 and 7. In the final ballot, whether it is the second (n. 6), third or fourth (n.7), only those two may be presented who achieved the greater number of votes in the preceding ballot, and n. 450, § III must be observed.
    2. in the event of a delegate being incapacitated, the substitute shall be the one who in the final ballot obtained the second highest number of votes, and n. 450, § III, must be observed.
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  1. If our laws provide for an election by letter (cf. n. 455-bis), it also permits an election through electronic instruments.
  2. It pertains to the prior provincial with the consent of his council to discern if the election should proceed by letters or through electronic instrument, and to choose the electronic instrument which is fitting and of good repute.
  3. An election through electronic instruments proceeds according to the following norms:
    1. the presider sends to all the vocals instructions for accessing the electronic instrument chosen;
    2. within the time established by the presider, each vocal should submit his ballot according to the received instructions;
    3. When the time determined for the balloting has expired, the presider certifies its ending in the presence of the Provincial Council or of the two counters approved by the Council;
    4. it proceeds in accord with n. 455-bis, § II, 5°, 6° and 7°.
  4. For the validity of an election through electronic instruments it is necessary that:
    1. no vocal be excluded from the election because of the instrument chosen;
    2. no brother having passive voice be excluded from the election of vocals because of the instrument chosen;
    3. it be made certain that only the vocals cast a ballot, and no vocals cast multiple ballots;
    4. the ballots of the individual vocals remain secret.
  5. It pertains to the provincial chapter to establish other norms for elections through electronic instruments.
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The postulator general for causes of beatification and canonization:

  1. discharges his office in accordance with the norms es­tablished by the Holy See and the statute approved by the Master of the Order;
  2. presents reports to each general chapter on the state of each cause.
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  1. A general chapter or the Master of the Order may freely assign brothers to any province or convent.
  2. A provincial chapter or a prior provincial may make assignations within their own province.
  3. A provincial chapter or a prior provincial may assign a brother from another province to theirs, with the consent of the provincial chapter or of the prior provincial of the province of affiliation, the Master of the Order having been informed.
  4. A brother who in accordance with § I or § III has been assigned to a province also needs to be assigned to a specific convent as soon as possible.
  5. Direct or indirect assignations by reason of study must be made in writing (see Appendix, n. 13).
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  1. For the union of two entities (provinces, vice-provinces or vicariates) the following are required:
    1. the vote of the council of each entity with respect to the mutual negotiations to be worked out about the union;
    2. consultation of the brethren and the chapters of all the convents and houses in the same entities, to be conducted in a way worked out in the individual entities;
    3. a special statute, approved by the Master of the Order, providing for a meeting for the chapter of each entity, enabling the entities to vote whether the union is to be proposed to the Master of the Order; and providing also for the first assembly ad instar capituli of the new entity;
    4. the decision of the Master of the Order with his council; the first superior of the new entity is appointed by the Master of the Order.
  2. The union of two entities and the union or fusion of several entities should be done in the way described in § I, making the appropriate changes.
  3. If a province is to be divided, the procedures to be followed shall be worked out by the provincial council and approved by the Master of the Order with his council. (B, n. 254)
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  1. Student priests living outside the studentate are to be introduced gradually to the priestly life and apostolate through appropriate conferences and activities. This is the responsibility of the prior or another father priest designated by the prior provincial.
  2. They are, however, always under the authority of the prior with due provision for the rights of the regent in matters of study.
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Priests in temporary vows are to remain in the studentate for at least three years under the guidance of the master so that they may be confirmed in the Dominican spirit, and in the  observance of regular discipline. If the prior provincial with his council so decides, they may live elsewhere under the guidance of another father priest.

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  1. In every convent strictly so called, the conventual Mass shall be celebrated weekly for the deceased mentioned above. The Prayer of the Faithful with petitions for the dead shall be included. Where, however, the conventual Mass cannot be said (see n. 61, § II) one Mass shall be offered for the dead.
  2. The following weeks are excluded: Holy Week, Easter Week, the week in which Christmas falls; also excluded are weeks during which an anniversary Mass (n. 70, § II), Mass for a deceased brother (n.73) or for a pope (n. 74) are celebrated.
  3. A third part of the rosary shall be recited weekly by all the brothers for the deceased mentioned above.
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