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  1. To be promoted a master in sacred theology, it is required that a brother:
      1. be commendable for his life and prudence;
      2. have been totally dedicated to intellectual work for at least ten years from the completion of his complementary studies;
      3. be presented to the provincial chapter by the commission for the intellectual life of the province, either of affiliation or assignment of the brother, and be approved by two thirds of the voters at the same chapter, or by the chapter of the province of affiliation, or by the Master of the Order, if the brother is living in a convent or institute immediately subject to him; (K, n. 356)
      4. that a commission of at least three experts in the field of scientific specialisation, chosen by the Master of the Order, pronounce favourably on the value of his work and his capacity to pursue it;
      5. that he be promoted by a general chapter, or by the Master of the Order with his council;
      6. that the newly promoted master give a public lecture (B, n. 245).
  2. Nobody is to be promoted a master in sacred theology except in the aforesaid manner.
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  1. The brothers may have books and equipment for personal use, as determined by the provincial chapter.
  2. When brothers are assigned to another convent, they may take with them only what has been determined by the provincial and the customs of the province.
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When possible, all contracts should be made in the name of the moral person recognized by law, and a copy, moreover, should be kept in the files of the syndic of the province or of the Order.

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  1. Only moral persons in the Order and not individual brothers are permitted, with the consent of their respective councils, to accept pious foundations or other gifts which involve prolonged and burdensome obligations.
  2. Furthermore, every acceptance of a burdensome obligation requires the consent of the provincial council, and those which impose a prolonged obligation ought not to be accepted easily.
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Stipends for Masses which cannot be celebrated in due time by the fathers of a convent must be sent to the prior provincial, and a surplus in the province must be sent to the Master of the Order.

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  1. The syndic of the Order must present to the Master of the Order and his council a report in the manner established for the syndic of a province. 
  2. In the year in which we gather for general chapter, the Relatio of the Syndic of the Order, after being studied, and analyzed by the economic Council of the Order and approved by the master of the Order and his council, should be presented to the general assembly of the chapter.
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  1. Entities of the Order are to define in their chapter legislation and/or statutes the proper procedures for financial operations (administration, safe keeping of valuables and negotiables, investments and banking) in a manner suitable to their local conditions (K, n. 384).
  2. Only in banks of assured security may money be deposited and, in accordance with n. 555, it must be deposited in the name of the respective moral person or institute to which it belongs.
  3. The bank must be chosen by the administrator him self with the consent of the superior.
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  1. It is the task of the provincial council to determine for each electoral college whether the voters must come together specially to hold the election or vote by post.
  2. If the election is to be held in a special assembly:
    1. the president and place of the election shall be deter­mined by the provincial council;
    2. in the actual election, nn. 452 and 494, § IV shall be observed;
    3. after the election of a delegate, provision shall be made in the same manner for electing a substitute in case of neces­sity.
  3. If, however, the voters cannot gather together con­veniently, it proceeds by mail, the prior provincial presiding, in accord with n. 455-bis and according to the following norms: 
    1. each voter shall write his vote on a ballot-paper and send it in a double envelope to the prior provincial or regional prior in accordance with n. 480, § III; 
    2. when the time fixed for receiving ballot-papers has elapsed, the prior provincial or the regional prior with his council shall carry out the count according to the norm n. 480 § IV, 1-4; 
    3. if the majority required for election is obtained, all voters shall be informed by letter of the result of the election;
    1. if, however, an absolute majority is not obtained in the first ballot, the prior provincial with his council shall proceed according to 480, IV,  n. 455-bis, § II, 6 and 7. In the final ballot, whether it is the second (n. 6), third or fourth (n.7), only those two may be presented who achieved the greater number of votes in the preceding ballot, and n. 450, § III must be observed.
    2. in the event of a delegate being incapacitated, the substitute shall be the one who in the final ballot obtained the second highest number of votes, and n. 450, § III, must be observed.
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  1. It is the task of the provincial council or the re­gional council to determine for each electoral college whether the voters must come together specially to hold the election or vote by post.
  2. If the election is to be held in a special assembly:
    1.  the president and place of the election shall be deter­mined by the provincial or regional council;
    2.  in the actual election, nn. 452 and 494, § III shall be observed;
    3.  after the election of a delegate, provision shall be made in the same manner for electing a substitute in case of neces­sity.
  3.   If, however, the voters cannot gather together con­veniently, the election is held according to the following norms:
    1. each voter shall write his vote on a ballot-paper and send it in a double envelope to the prior provincial or regional prior in accordance with n. 480, § III;
    2. when the time fixed for receiving ballot-papers has elapsed, the prior provincial or the regional prior with his council or with two tellers approved by the council shall carry out the count according to the norm n. 480 § IV, 1-4;
    3. if the majority required for election is obtained, all voters shall be informed by letter of the result of the election;
    4. if, however, an absolute majority is not obtained in the first ballot, the provincial or regional prior with his council shall proceed according to n. 480, § IV, 6, and 7. In the final ballot, whether it is the second (n. 6), third or fourth (n.7), only those two may be presented who achieved the greater number of votes in the preceding ballot, and n. 450, § III must be observed.
    5. in the event of a delegate being incapacitated, the substitute shall be the one who in the final ballot obtained the second highest number of votes, and n. 450, § III, must be observed.
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  1. It is the task of the provincial council or the re­gional council to determine for each electoral college whether the voters must come together specially to hold the election or vote by post.
  2. If the election is to be held in a special assembly:
    1.  the president and place of the election shall be deter­mined by the provincial or regional council;
    2.  in the actual election, nn. 452 and 494, § III IV shall be observed;
    3.  after the election of a delegate, provision shall be made in the same manner for electing a substitute in case of neces­sity.
  3.   If, however, the voters cannot gather together con­veniently:
    1. each voter shall write his vote on a ballot-paper and send it in a double envelope to the prior provincial or regional prior in accordance with n. 480, § III;
    2. when the time fixed for receiving ballot-papers has elapsed, the prior provincial or the regional prior with his council shall carry out the count according to the norm n. 480 § IV, 1-4;
    3. if the majority required for election is obtained, all voters shall be informed by letter of the result of the election;
    4. if, however, an absolute majority is not obtained in the first ballot, the prior provincial or regional prior with his council shall proceed according to n. 480, § IV, 6, and 7. In the final ballot, whether it is the second (n. 6), third or fourth (n.7), only those two may be presented who achieved the greater number of votes in the preceding ballot, and n. 450, § III must be observed.
    5. in the event of a delegate being incapacitated, the substitute shall be the one who in the final ballot obtained the second highest number of votes, and n. 450, § III, must be observed.
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