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  1. Clerical aspirants shall not be admitted to the novitiate unless they have completed those studies required in their own country for admission to higher or university studies.
  2. They ought to have a suitable knowledge of Latin, or set about acquiring it as soon as possible.
  3. Cooperator brothers should have secondary education or its equivalent, as decided by the provincial chapter.
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  1. Aspirants should be prepared for some time before being admitted to the novitiate.
  2. The duration, form and place of this preparation shall be decided by the provincial chapter, or the prior provincial with his council.
  3. For this purpose, the province may establish a time of pre-novitiate as the first step on the journey towards the religious life. The aim of this is to prepare the aspirant for the novitiate especially through catechetical instruction, and provide an experience of living community life. It also gives the Order an opportunity to discern the aspirant’s suitability for Dominican life.
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  1. Wherever appropriate, an apostolic school for the formation of young aspirants may be established. The project must have the prior approval of the Master of the Order, and the consent of the chapter or council of the province.
  2. The provincial with his council shall see to it that brothers with experience in these matters draw up the school’s statutes and rules of conduct, to be approved by the provincial with his council.
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There shall be a Ratio Formationis for the whole Order, approved by the general chapter or by the Master of the Order, and revised from time to time. It should lay down general spiritual principles and basic training norms for forming the brothers, leaving the provinces to develop their own norms as time and place demand.

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In convents of formation, genuine fraternal common life ought to flourish so that those in formation can gradually take an active part in community life, always respecting the various groupings within the community. This will lead to a formation that is solid and complete. Accordingly, all the brothers ought to bear in mind their responsibility for the formation of the younger brothers.

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If the provincial chapter sees fit, a council of formation may be established. Distinct from the conventual council, it shall deal with matters relating to an integral formation and, in this way, helping the master to discharge his responsibility. The provincial chapter, or the prior provincial with his council, shall determine the composition and duties of this council.

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Therefore, for the benefit of the faithful, the brothers ought to promote the confraternities of the Order, especially those of the Most Holy Name of Jesus and of the Most Holy Rosary and our other associations, as time and place demand, so that they may be of benefit to the faithful. As to their structure and government, these are laid down in their own statutes.

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The brothers should take the greatest care to encourage these fraternities, setting up ways of reciprocal collaboration with them, so that the ministry of the Order may become ever more effective in the Church and the world.

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The brothers should encourage the growth and spiritual development of these institutes and their members and enter into fraternal collaboration with them, so that their apostolate in the world may be fruitful.

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