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  1. If our laws so provide, election through letters can take place according to the following norms:
    1. within the time determined by the president, each vocal shall write his vote on a ballot in accord with n. 452, 6°;
    2. then, after the ballot is placed in an envelope; he shall write in his own hand his name and place of residence on the carefully sealed envelope. After that he shall enclose the first envelope in another envelope and send it to the president [praeses] with another inscription so that it may easily be recognized.
  2. When the time determined for the reception of the ballots has elapsed, the president [praeses] with the provincial council or with two counters approved by the council should make the count.
    1. when all the envelopes have been opened before the council or counters, the names of the electors written on the enclosed envelopes are examined to see if each of them has the required conditions for active voice; if anyone does not, the ballot is considered null and void;
    2. the number of vocals and envelopes is compared
    3. the envelopes are opened and destroyed before the ballots are unfolded;
    4. the ballots are examined in accord with n. 452, 9°, 10°, 11°;
    5. if the majority for election or required for postulation is obtained, then the decree of election is drawn up by the one presiding, and the authentic instrument of election is prepared. All the vocals are to be enformed of the outcome of the election;
    6. if, however the absolute majority is not obtained in the first ballot, the presider should determine the time for a new and final ballot, and notify all the vocals of all that has taken place;
    7. a provincial chapter, however, can determine whether to proceed to a third or even a fourth ballot, if in the second or third an absolute majority has not yet been obtained.
Start Date