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  1. The official transcript of each session shall be prepared by the secretary. When it has been approved by the chapter and signed by the president and the secretary, it shall be placed in the archives of the province.
  2. The place and date of the next provincial chapter shall be indicated in the acts.
  3. The names of the deceased brothers, to which brief accounts of their lives are added, shall be published in the acts.
  4. The acts shall be written in Latin or a modern language accepted by the general council. Five copies, signed by the president, the diffinitors, and the secretary, and bearing the
    seal of the province, shall be sent to the Master of the Order as quickly as possible so that they can be examined and approved.
    If the acts are not written in one of the languages accepted by the general council, a translation shall be made into Latin or into one of those languages and five copies of the translation shall be sent to the Master of the Order with the addition of two copies in the original language.
    After corrections have been made, the Master shall send a letter of approval along with the text to the province. One copy of the acts shall be sent to the archives of the Order and another for publication in abbreviated form in the Analecta of the Order.
Start Date