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  1. Through this profession, we imitate Christ in a special manner, Christ who always obeyed the Father, for the life of the world. We are thus more closely united to the Church, to whose building-up we are dedicated, for its common good and that of the Order. In this we are joined by our superiors, who by their common ministry represent God.
  2. The common good is also revealed in the religious and apostolic options of the community, and by the interior enlightenment of the Holy Spirit who sustains the mission of the Order.
  3. Our brothers are obliged to obey their superiors in everything that pertains to the Rule (see n. 275, § I) and our laws. We are not, however, obliged to obey —nor indeed may we — in matters that are against the commandments of God and of the Church, are contrary to the laws of the Order or do not allow a superior’s dispensation. If there is a doubt, how- ever, we are all obliged to obey.
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