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The Master of the Order


  • constitution
    • Confirmed ACG 1968 River Forest n.
    Revision history

    The Master of the Order, since he is the successor of St Dominic and the source of the Order’s unity, is the proper and immediate prelate of all the brothers, convents, and provinces, in virtue of the profession of obedience made to him by every member.


  • constitution
    • Confirmed ACG 1968 River Forest n.
    Revision history

    He obtains his office by canonical election and remains in it for nine years. The time is computed from one elective chapter to the next elective chapter, disregarding whatever
    few months—not, however, more than six months—which fall short of or exceed nine years.


  • constitution
    • Confirmed ACG 1968 River Forest n.
    Revision history
    1. For a grave reason the Master of the Order may appoint and remove priors provincial, conventual priors, and any other officials, as well as prioresses of monasteries subject to the Order, and restrict their functions and authority; he may also do in the Order whatever he and the diffinitors of a general chapter may do according to our laws.
    2. During his term of office, the Master of the Order is obliged to visitate the whole Order, either personally, or by means of his socii or others, at least twice.
    3. The Master of the Order cannot surrender the rights of his office to the prejudice of his successors.


  • ordination
    • Confirmed ACG 1968 River Forest n.
    Revision history

    Whenever in letters or rescripts of the Master of the Order the term, by the authority of our office or some other phrase equivalent to it is used, it is to be understood to embrace both ordinary authority and any other kind of authority delegated to his office.


  • constitution
    • Confirmed ACG 1968 River Forest n.
    Revision history

    The Master of the Order has power to appoint vicars to assist him, either over the whole Order or over one or more regions, one or more provinces, or one or more convents.


  • constitution
    • Confirmed ACG 1968 River Forest n.
    Revision history
    1. A vicar over the whole Order has the same power as the Master himself unless otherwise provided for in law or in his letter of appointment. Other vicars have whatever authority the Master himself shall determine.
    2. All continue in office until their mandate is revoked by the Master of the Order.
    3. The office of vicar over the whole Order expires when the Master of the Order ceases to hold office; the office of other vicars, however, continues until determined otherwise by the new Master.