constitutionRevision history
- Confirmed ACG 1968 River Forest n.
- From the Order’s beginnings, Saint Dominic required the brothers to promise him life in common and obedience. 1 Primitive Constitutions, distinction I, c. 14 He himself submitted humbly 2 The process of canonnization. MOPH XVI p 151, n 33, cf p 124, n 2 to the decisions, especially the laws made by the general chapter of the brothers after thorough discussion. 3 Jordan, Libellus de principiis ordinis praedicatorum, MOPH XVI, p. 46, n. 41 Outside of the general chapter, he demanded from all an unforced obedience 4 Primitive Constitutions, distinction I, c 13 to whatever he prescribed, after due deliberation, 5 The process of canonization, MOPH XVI, p. 127, n. 6; p. 150, n. 32, p. 163, n. 43; p. 142, n. 24, p. 143, n. 25, p. 166, n. 48. in governing the Order. This he did graciously, 6 Jordan, Libellus de principiis ordinis praedicatorum, MOPH, XVI, p. 74, n.103 certainly, but also firmly. 7 Ibid. Indeed, if a community is to remain true to its spirit and its mission, it needs that unity achieved through obedience.
- That is why in our profession only one promise is made, namely that of obedience to the Master of the Order and to his successors according to the laws of the Order. Thus, the unity of the Order and of our profession is preserved and it depends on the unity of the head to whom we all owe obedience.
constitutionRevision history
- Confirmed ACG 1968 River Forest n.
- Through this profession, we imitate Christ in a special manner, Christ who always obeyed the Father, for the life of the world. We are thus more closely united to the Church, to whose building-up we are dedicated, for its common good and that of the Order. In this we are joined by our superiors, who by their common ministry represent God.
- The common good is also revealed in the religious and apostolic options of the community, and by the interior enlightenment of the Holy Spirit who sustains the mission of the Order.
- Our brothers are obliged to obey their superiors in everything that pertains to the Rule (see n. 275, § I) and our laws. We are not, however, obliged to obey —nor indeed may we — in matters that are against the commandments of God and of the Church, are contrary to the laws of the Order or do not allow a superior’s dispensation. If there is a doubt, how- ever, we are all obliged to obey.
constitutionRevision history
- Confirmed ACG 1968 River Forest n.
- Obedience is pre-eminent among (the vows rel- evant to) the (evangelical) counsels. By obedience a person dedicates himself totally to God and his actions approximate to the goal of profession, which is the perfection of charity. Everything else too in the apostolic life is included under obedience.
- Since we are united to Christ and to the Church through obedience, whatever labour and hardship we sustain in putting it into practice is, as it were, a prolongation of Christ’s self-offering. It takes on a sacrificial character for ourselves and for the Church, in whose completion the entire work of creation is perfected.
- Because obedience ‘plants the roots of self-discipline in our hearts’ 8 Saint Gregory, Moralia, XXXV, PL 76, c. 765, quoted by Saint Thomas, Summa theologica, IIa, IIae, q. 104, art. 1. (Literally, by which ‘we overcome ourselves in our hearts’: nosmetipsos in corde superamus) it is of the greatest benefit to that freedom of spirit characteristic of the children of God, and disposes us to self-giving charity.
constitutionRevision history
- Confirmed ACG 1968 River Forest n.
- The demands of the common good which requires the obedience of the brothers also moves superiors to listen to the brothers especially in matters of greater moment, without prejudice to their responsibility in commanding what needs to be done. In this way, the entire community works together as one in the pursuit of charity.
- Since the Holy Spirit guides the Church by special talents and charisms, superiors in the exercise of their authority shall take careful note of the special gifts of the brothers. They shall judge and order the gifts which the Holy Spirit has brought to life in the Order for the good of the Church in view of times and needs. Thus, while accepting the constraints of the common good and respecting the talents of each individual, the brothers’ appropriate responsibility is to be acknowledged and their freedom respected, whether in undertaking new projects or in continuing with projects already begun.
- Seeking God’s will and the good of the community, the superior ‘should regard himself to be fortunate as one who serves you in love, not as one who exercises authority over you.’ 9 The Rule of St Augustine, n. 7 He ought to foster willing service rather than slavish submission.
- Motivated by a spirit of faith and of love for the will of God, the brothers should respond to their superiors in a spirit of brotherly cooperation. They should sincerely endeavour to share their thinking and do what they are told willingly and carefully. In fulfilling their duties, the brothers should strive for an obedience that is prompt, conscientious without delay, simple without useless questioning.
constitutionRevision history
- Confirmed ACG 1968 River Forest n.
Like all religious, our entire Order is subject to the Roman Pontiff as its highest superior and is obliged to obey him by virtue of the vow of obedience (CCL, can. 590).
ordinationRevision history
- Confirmed ACG 1968 River Forest n.
- Our brothers should not lightly have recourse from a lower to a higher authority in order to evade something imposed by obedience. If they do, recourse should not be allowed.
- If, however, there is a reasonable case for recourse, the brother should first obey, unless in the judgement of serious people, chosen by both the brother and his superior, it is certain that serious harm would result from obeying.
ordinationRevision history
- Confirmed ACG 1968 River Forest n.
If the good of the Order or of the Church require that superiors give a brother a mission involving considerable danger to his life, they should never do this without first consulting him. The superiors are bound to proceed with the utmost cau- tion, gathering all relevant information and bearing in mind the opinion of prudent brothers.
ordenacioRevision history
- Confirmed ACG 1968 River Forest n.
Neither the prior provincial nor the provincial chapter can exempt any brother completely from the authority of the local superior.