Election of the Master of the Order
constitutionRevision history
- Confirmed ACG 1968 River Forest n.
The Master of the Order is always elected in a general chapter convoked especially for that purpose in accordance with n. 413.
constitutionRevision history
- Confirmed ACG 1968 River Forest n.
To be eligible for election as Master of the Order, it is required that a brother be at least thirty-five years old and ten years from first profession, as well as possessing the conditions set out in nn. 443 and 459, § I.
constitutionRevision history
- Confirmed ACG 1968 River Forest n.
The election of the Master of the Order shall be conducted on the fifth day after the opening of the chapter (see n. 417, § II, 5) even if all the electors have not assembled.
ordinationRevision history
- Confirmed ACG 1968 River Forest n.
On the day before the election, the electors, summoned by the president, may have a discussion [tractatus] among themselves about the choice of Master.
ordinationRevision history
- Confirmed ACG 1968 River Forest n.
On the day of the election or the day before, the Mass of the Holy Spirit shall be celebrated in every convent of the Order.
ordinationRevision history
- Confirmed ACG 1968 River Forest n.
- The vicar of the Order shall preside over the election, that is, either the ex-Master of the Order who has just left office or the vicar according to our legislation (see n. 417).
- The secretary of the election shall be the first secretary of the chapter.
- The tellers shall be designated in accordance with n. 448, § IV.
ordinationRevision history
- Confirmed ACG 1968 River Forest n.
The election itself shall be conducted in accordance with n. 452 with these exceptions:
- the ballots must be repeated until a brother is elected by an absolute majority of votes;
- before the new Master is elected, the electors may not leave the chapter room – except the tellers, who may go to collect the votes of infirm voters if there are any;
- an official document shall not be drawn up but a faithful report of the whole election with its various ballots shall be recorded in the minutes of the chapter.
constitutionRevision history
- Confirmed ACG 1968 River Forest n.
The election of the Master of the Order does not need confirmation.
ordinationRevision history
- Confirmed ACG 1968 River Forest n.
- The election shall be announced immediately to the one elected; if he is absent, he shall come to the chapter as soon as possible.
- Unless he has grave reasons, the one elected is bound to accept his election. But if he does not accept and the capitulars permit this refusal, they must proceed to a new election as soon as possible.
ordinationRevision history
- Confirmed ACG 1968 River Forest n.
Once the election has been completed and accepted, all the brothers present in the convent shall be summoned and the name of the one elected shall be disclosed.
ordinationRevision history
- Confirmed ACG 1968 River Forest n.
The Master, if he is present, or as soon as he arrives, shall make the profession of faith in the presence of the chapter before he performs any act as Master of the Order.
constitutionRevision history
- Confirmed ACG 1968 River Forest n.
Right administration requires that all of the brothers, together and singly, accept responsibility for the community’s temporal goods in how they use things. It implies a true relationship with poverty, of which it can be said to be the practical exercise. It is for officials, as faithful and prudent servants, to administer economic affairs with constant care, in the service of charity.