The following lack active voice:
- anyone who is exclaustrated, for the duration of the indult and for a year from the date of his return;
- anyone who has requested exclaustration or secularisation, from the moment that his request is sent by the prior provincial to the Master of the Order;
- anyone who has permission from his major superior to live outside a convent of the Order (CCL 665, § 1) unless this permission was granted for the sake of his health, by reason of study, or to carry out an apostolate in the name of the Order;
- anyone who has left the Order illegitimately, for five years from the date of his return, unless the prior provincial with his council, having examined the circumstances, shall have extended or even shortened the time, provided that the returning member remains without voting rights for at least three years from the date of his return;
- anyone who has been legitimately deprived of active voice.
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