When a prior leaves office, the subprior is designated in capite, and from then until a new prior is present in the convent, the subprior by virtue of his office has the same authority and jurisdiction as a prior.
When a prior leaves office, the subprior is designated in capite, and from then until a new prior is present in the convent, the subprior by virtue of his office has the same authority and jurisdiction as a prior.
The subprior should have the qualifications required in n. 443, § I and II.
The subprior acts in the place of the prior and assists him in the administration of the convent.
It is for the council:
The members of the council are:
The conventual council is a gathering of brothers, at which the prior presides. He is obliged to seek the council’s consent or advice in accordance with our laws.
It is for the chapter:
The conventual chapter is a gathering of the brothers, with the prior presiding, to discuss or come to a decision about matters concerning the common and apostolic life of the convent and with its good administration.