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For the election of delegates attending a general chapter of diffinitors or priors provincial, all the brothers of the houses under the immediate jurisdiction of the Master of the Order are to be grouped together by the general council to constitute elective colleges (according to whether one or two delegates for each chapter have to be elected). Each of these colleges should have at least twenty-five voters. The general council shall lay down how this election is to be conducted.

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For the election of delegates attending a general chapter of diffinitors or priors provincial, all the brothers of the houses convents under the immediate jurisdiction of the Master of the Order are to be grouped together by the general council to constitute elective colleges (according to whether one or two delegates for each chapter have to be elected). Each of these colleges should have at least twenty-five voters. The general council shall lay down how this election is to be conducted.

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Each province which has at least twenty-five brothers assigned in vicariates or houses of the province outside the boundaries of the province has the right to send one delegate elected from and by those brothers according to the statute of the province to a general chapter either of diffinitors or priors provincial. An arrangement shall be made by the Master of the Order with his council so that half of the provinces shall be represented in one chapter and the other half in the next.

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Each province which has at least twenty-five brothers assigned in convents of the vicariates or convents of the province outside the boundaries of the province has the right to send one delegate elected from and by those brothers according to the statute of the province to a general chapter either of diffinitors or priors provincial. An arrangement shall be made by the Master of the Order with his council so that half of the provinces shall be represented in one chapter and the other half in the next.

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The following are assembled and have votes in a general chapter of priors provincial:

  1. the Master of the Order;
  2. ex-Masters of the Order;
  3. each prior provincial;
  4. each vice-provincial and vicar general;
  5. delegates of the vicariates chosen from regional priors and vicars provincial in accordance with n. 409-bis;
  6. one delegate from among the brothers assigned under the immediate jurisdiction of the Master of the Order if the total is less than one hundred, two if the total is one hundred or more, elected in accordance with n. 409-ter.
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The following are assembled and have votes in a general chapter of priors provincial:

  1. the Master of the Order;
  2. ex-Masters of the Order;
  3. each prior provincial;
  4. each vice-provincial and vicar general; 
    5. delegates of the vicariates chosen from vicars provincial in accordance with n. 409-bis;
    6. one delegate from among the brothers assigned under the immediate jurisdiction of the Master of the Order if the total is less than one hundred, two if the total is one hundred or more, elected in accordance with n. 409-ter.
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The following are assembled and have votes in a general chapter of diffinitors:

  1. the Master of the Order;
  2. ex-Masters of the Order;
  3. diffinitors elected by each province;
  4. delegates elected by each vice-province and general vicariate;
    5. delegates of other vicariates, chosen in accordance with n. 409-bis, but excluding regional priors and vicars provincial;
    6. one delegate from among the brothers assigned to houses under the immediate jurisdiction of the Master of the Order if the total is less than one hundred, two if the total is one hundred or more, elected in accordance with n. 409-ter.
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The following are assembled and have votes in a general chapter of diffinitors:

  1. the Master of the Order;
  2. ex-Masters of the Order;
  3. diffinitors elected by each province;
  4. delegates elected by each vice-province and general vicariate;
  5. delegates of other vicariates, chosen in accordance with n. 409-bis, but excluding regional priors and vicars provincial;
  6. one delegate from among the brothers assigned to houses convents under the immediate jurisdiction of the Master of the Order if the total is less than one hundred, two if the total is one hundred or more, elected in accordance with n. 409-ter.
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For the election of delegates to an elective general chapter, brothers from convents under the immediate jurisdiction of the Master of the Order are to be grouped by the general council into two or three electoral colleges, depending on the number of delegates to be elected. Each college must have at least twenty-five voters. The general council will also lay down how this election is to be conducted.

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The following assemble and have votes in a general elective chapter: 

  1. In the election of a Master of the Order:
    1. ex-Masters of the Order;
    2. all priors provincial;
    3. from each province, the diffinitor of the general chap­ter; 
    4. vice-provincials and vicars general, as provided for in n. 257, § II;
    5. a socius of the diffinitor of a general chapter from each province which has at least one hundred professed religious, excluding, however, those who are assigned in vicariates and those directly assigned to houses under the immediate jurisdiction of the Master of the Order;
    6. a socius of the prior provincial attending a general chapter from each province which has at least four hundred professed religious, excluding, however, those who are assigned in vicariates, and those directly assigned to houses under the immediate jurisdiction of the Master of the Order;
    7. a delegate from each province which has between twenty-five and one hundred brothers assigned in vicariates or houses of the province outside the boundaries of the province, the del­egate shall be elected from among the brothers and by them according to the provincial statute; furthermore, from each province which has between 101 and 200 brothers assigned in vicariates, a second delegate shall be elected, and so on.
    8. from among brothers directly assigned to houses un­der the immediate jurisdiction of the Master of the Order, two delegates if they total fewer than one hundred, three delegates if they total one hundred or more, chosen as laid down in n. 407-bis.
  2. In matters to be dealt with after the election of the Master:
    1. the newly elected Master of the Order;
    2. ex-Masters of the Order;
    3. all those mentioned in § I, 2-8;
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