Given the requirements of n. 443, § I, all the electors are eligible except for those who have exercised the same office for the same convent in the chapter immediately preceding.
Given the requirements of n. 443, § I, all the electors are eligible except for those who have exercised the same office for the same convent in the chapter immediately preceding.
The socius of a conventual prior going to a provincial chapter is the brother elected by a convent to have a vote in the provincial chapter.
Without prejudice to n. 373, 1, the right of appointing a conventual prior (see Appendix, n. 23) devolves upon the prior provincial:
The letter of confirmation and of acceptance shall be read in the presence of the community. Then, when the profession of faith has been made by the person elected (see Appendix n. 21), he is understood to have taken possession of the office of prior (see n. 301).
The person elected must not be informed nor may he accept or refuse his election before it has been confirmed.
The election of a conventual prior must be confirmed by the prior provincial, or by the regional prior if it concerns a brother assigned to a regional vicariate and elected for a convent in that vicariate, unless the statute of the vicariate provides otherwise (see Appendix, n. 20).