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Technice ACG 2013 Traugurii n. 213



Magisterium in sacra theologia fratribus confertur qui in scientiis, praesertim sacris, promovendis eminentes agnoscuntur. 

Huiusmodi excellentia comprobatur capacitate reflexionem et inquisitionem doctrinalem suscitandi ac ducendi, necnon operibus eximii valoris editis atque auctoritate in campo scientifico etiam extra Ordinem iam assecuta.


The mastership in sacred theology is conferred on those brothers who are considered eminent in promoting sciences, especially the Sacred Sciences. Excellence of this kind is established by an ability to develop and sustain doctrinal reflection and research, as well as by the publication of works of exceptional value; it is also established by an authority in the scientific field already acquired, even outside the Order.