Provincial Vicariates
constitutionRevision history
- Inchoata cum ordinatione ACG 2013 Traugurii n. 232
- Adprobata cum ordinatione ACG 2016 Bologna n. 293
- Confirmata ACG 2019 Biên Hòa n. 401
- When a Province has outside of its territory in another nation or region at least fifteen vocals and one convent properly so called, at least two houses of which one is a convent properly called, and at least fifteen vocals, the Provincial Chapter can combine them into a provincial vicariate, so that the apostolic activities and regular life of the brethren there may the better be able to be coordinated.
- The provincial vicariate is regulated by a statute drawn up by the Provincial Chapter and approved by the Master of the Order.
constitutionRevision history
- Inchoata cum ordinatione ACG 2013 Traugurii n. 232
- Adprobata cum ordinatione ACG 2016 Bologna n. 293
- Confirmata ACG 2019 Biên Hòa n. 401
- When a Province has outside of its territory in another nation or region at least fifteen vocals and one convent properly so called, at least two houses of which one is a convent properly called, and at least fifteen vocals, the Provincial Chapter can combine them into a provincial vicariate, so that the apostolic activities and regular life of the brethren there may the better be able to be coordinated.
- The provincial vicariate is regulated by a statute drawn up by the Provincial Chapter and approved by the Master of the Order.
constitutionRevision history
- Inchoata cum ordinatione ACG 2013 Traugurii n. 232
- Adprobata cum ordinatione ACG 2016 Bologna n. 293
- Confirmata ACG 2019 Biên Hòa n. 401
- When a Province has outside of its territory in another nation or region at least fifteen vocals and one convent properly so called, at least two houses of which one is a convent properly called, and at least fifteen vocals, the Provincial Chapter can combine them into a provincial vicariate, so that the apostolic activities and regular life of the brethren there may the better be able to be coordinated.
- The provincial vicariate is regulated by a statute drawn up by the Provincial Chapter and approved by the Master of the Order.
ordinationRevision history
- Acceptata ACG 2013 Traugurii n. 233
- Secunda ACG 2016 Bologna n. 294
- Definitive ACG 2019 Biên Hòa n. 402
The statutes of the vicariate ought to determine the norms
- on the celebration of the chapter of the vicariate;
- on the office of the Vicar provincial who presides over the vicariate as vicar of the Prior Provincial;
- on the officials of the Vicariate;
- on the formation and promotion of vocations;
- on the right to participate ex officio in the provincial
council and Provincial Chapter (cf. 352 § I, 1°), with active voice or not; - on the faculties which the Vicar of the Prior Provincial, having heard his council, is able to grant, on the admission of candidates to the novitiate and to simple profession, on the assignment of brothers to a house and convent of the vicariate, on the confirmation of conventual priors and the appointment of superiors of houses.
ordinationRevision history
- Acceptata ACG 2013 Traugurii n. 233
- Secunda ACG 2016 Bologna n. 294
- Definitive ACG 2019 Biên Hòa n. 402
The statutes of the vicariate ought to determine the norms
- on the celebration of the chapter of the vicariate;
- on the office of the Vicar provincial who presides over the vicariate as vicar of the Prior Provincial;
- on the officials of the Vicariate;
- on the formation and promotion of vocations;
- on the right to participate ex officio in the provincial
council and Provincial Chapter (cf. 352 § I, 1°), with active voice or not; - on the faculties which the Vicar of the Prior Provincial, having heard his council, is able to grant, on the admission of candidates to the novitiate and to simple profession, on the assignment of brothers to a house and convent of the vicariate, on the confirmation of conventual priors and the appointment of superiors of houses.
ordinationRevision history
- Acceptata ACG 2013 Traugurii n. 233
- Secunda ACG 2016 Bologna n. 294
- Definitive ACG 2019 Biên Hòa n. 402
The statutes of the vicariate ought to determine the norms
- on the celebration of the chapter of the vicariate;
- on the office of the Vicar provincial who presides over the vicariate as vicar of the Prior Provincial;
- on the officials of the Vicariate;
- on the formation and promotion of vocations;
- on the right to participate ex officio in the provincial
council and Provincial Chapter (cf. 352 § I, 1°), with active voice or not; - on the faculties which the Vicar of the Prior Provincial, having heard his council, is able to grant, on the admission of candidates to the novitiate and to simple profession, on the assignment of brothers to a house and convent of the vicariate, on the confirmation of conventual priors and the appointment of superiors of houses.
ordinationRevision history
- Acceptata ACG 2016 Bologna n. 295
- Definitive ACG 2019 Biên Hòa n. 403
I. The regional prior has charge of the vicariate as the vicar of the prior provincial and has, in addition to the faculties granted by the provincial chapter, the right:
1. to assign brothers who are in the vicariate, without prejudice to the rights of the prior provincial;
2. to confirm a conventual prior as provided for in n. 467 and to appoint superiors of houses as provided for in n. 332, unless the vicariate statute provides otherwise;
3. to participate by right of office in the provincial council, unless something different has been laid down in the provincial statute;
4. to participate by right of office in a provincial chapter – see 352, § I, 1. (P, n. 494; K, n.372)
1. The regional prior is elected for four years by the voters assigned to the convents of the vicariate and is confirmed by the prior provincial with the consent of his council;
2. when the time for which the regional prior was elected has expired or when for any reason whatsoever he has ceased to hold office, until a successor has been confirmed his office shall be held by the prior who has spent the longest time in the Order in the same vicariate;
3. what has been laid down for a conventual prior in n. 302, § I, holds for a regional prior, mutatis mutandis. -
ordinationRevision history
- Acceptata ACG 2016 Bologna n. 295
- Definitive ACG 2019 Biên Hòa n. 403
I. The regional prior has charge of the vicariate as the vicar of the prior provincial and has, in addition to the faculties granted by the provincial chapter, the right:
1. to assign brothers who are in the vicariate, without prejudice to the rights of the prior provincial;
2. to confirm a conventual prior as provided for in n. 467 and to appoint superiors of houses as provided for in n. 332, unless the vicariate statute provides otherwise;
3. to participate by right of office in the provincial council, unless something different has been laid down in the provincial statute;
4. to participate by right of office in a provincial chapter – see 352, § I, 1. (P, n. 494; K, n.372)
1. The regional prior is elected for four years by the voters assigned to the convents of the vicariate and is confirmed by the prior provincial with the consent of his council;
2. when the time for which the regional prior was elected has expired or when for any reason whatsoever he has ceased to hold office, until a successor has been confirmed his office shall be held by the prior who has spent the longest time in the Order in the same vicariate;
3. what has been laid down for a conventual prior in n. 302, § I, holds for a regional prior, mutatis mutandis. -
ordinationRevision history
- Technice ACG 2013 Traugurii n. 234
- The regional prior has charge of the vicariate as the vicar of the prior provincial and has, in addition to the faculties granted by the provincial chapter, the right:
- to assign brothers who are in the vicariate, without prejudice to the rights of the prior provincial;
- to confirm a conventual prior as provided for in n. 467 and to appoint superiors of houses as provided for in n. 332, unless the vicariate statute provides otherwise;
- to participate by right of office in the provincial council, unless something different has been laid down in the provincial statute;
- to participate by right of office in a provincial chapter – see 352, § I, 1. (P, n. 494; K, n.372)
- The regional prior is elected for four years by the voters assigned to the convents of the vicariate and is confirmed by the prior provincial with the consent of his council;
- when the time for which the regional prior was elected has expired or when for any reason whatsoever he has ceased to hold office, until a successor has been confirmed his office shall be held by the prior who has spent the longest time in the Order in the same vicariate;
- what has been laid down for a conventual prior in n. 302, § I, holds for a regional prior, mutatis mutandis.
ordinationRevision history
- Acceptata ACG 2001 Providence 2001 n. 386
- Secunda ACG 2004 Kraków n. 373
- In every vicariate there shall be a council whose consent or advice the regional prior must seek on more serious matters as laid down in the vicariate statute. The acts of this council must be sent to the prior provincial after it has met.
- The number of these councillors and the manner of their election or appointment shall be determined by the vicariate statute.
- When, in accordance with the prescriptions of the Book of Constitutions and Ordinations or the statute of the province or vicariate, the Prior Provincial, has to deal with matters which concern the vicariate, he must first consult the vicariate council before consulting the provincial council. When however it is a question of confirming, appointing, or removing the regional prior, he consults only the provincial council (see n. 373, 1).
ordinationRevision history
- Acceptata ACG 2001 Providence 2001 n. 386
- Secunda ACG 2004 Kraków n. 373
- In every vicariate there shall be a council whose consent or advice the regional prior must seek on more serious matters as laid down in the vicariate statute. The acts of this council must be sent to the prior provincial after it has met.
- The number of these councillors and the manner of their election or appointment shall be determined by the vicariate statute.
- When, in accordance with the prescriptions of the Book of Constitutions and Ordinations or the statute of the province or vicariate, the Prior Provincial, has to deal with matters which concern the vicariate, he must first consult the vicariate council before consulting the provincial council. When however it is a question of confirming, appointing, or removing the regional prior, he consults only the provincial council (see n. 373, 1).
ordinationRevision history
- Definitive ACG 2016 Bologna n. 296
- Technice ACG 2016 Bologna n. 296
- Acceptata ACG 2016 Bologna n. 297
- Secunda ACG 2019 Biên Hòa n. 404
- Definitive ACG 2022 Tultenango n. 348
- In every vicariate there shall be a council whose consent or advice the regional prior vicar provincial must seek on important transactions according to the norm of vicariate statutes. The acts of this council after being collected are to be sent to the prior provincial.
- The number of these councillors and the manner of their election or appointment shall be determined by the vicariate statute.
- When Since in accordance with the prescriptions of the Book of Constitutions and Ordinations or the statute of the province or vicariate, the prior provincial, with his provincial council, has to deal with matters which concern the vicariate, he must first also consult the vicariate council before consulting the provincial council. When however it is a question of confirming, appointing, or removing the regional prior vicar provincial, he consults only the provincial council (see n. 373, 1).
ordinationRevision history
- Definitive ACG 2016 Bologna n. 296
- Technice ACG 2016 Bologna n. 296
- Acceptata ACG 2016 Bologna n. 297
- Secunda ACG 2019 Biên Hòa n. 404
- Definitive ACG 2022 Tultenango n. 348
- In every vicariate there shall be a council whose consent or advice the regional prior vicar provincial must seek on important transactions according to the norm of vicariate statutes. The acts of this council after being collected are to be sent to the prior provincial.
- The number of these councillors and the manner of their election or appointment shall be determined by the vicariate statute.
- When Since in accordance with the prescriptions of the Book of Constitutions and Ordinations or the statute of the province or vicariate, the prior provincial, with his provincial council, has to deal with matters which concern the vicariate, he must first also consult the vicariate council before consulting the provincial council. When however it is a question of confirming, appointing, or removing the regional prior vicar provincial, he consults only the provincial council (see n. 373, 1).
ordinationRevision history
- Definitive ACG 2016 Bologna n. 296
- Technice ACG 2016 Bologna n. 296
- Acceptata ACG 2016 Bologna n. 297
- Secunda ACG 2019 Biên Hòa n. 404
- Definitive ACG 2022 Tultenango n. 348
- In every vicariate there shall be a council whose consent or advice the regional prior vicar provincial must seek on important transactions according to the norm of vicariate statutes. The acts of this council after being collected are to be sent to the prior provincial.
- The number of these councillors and the manner of their election or appointment shall be determined by the vicariate statute.
- When Since in accordance with the prescriptions of the Book of Constitutions and Ordinations or the statute of the province or vicariate, the prior provincial, with his provincial council, has to deal with matters which concern the vicariate, he must first also consult the vicariate council before consulting the provincial council. When however it is a question of confirming, appointing, or removing the regional prior vicar provincial, he consults only the provincial council (see n. 373, 1).
ordinationRevision history
- Definitive ACG 2016 Bologna n. 296
- Technice ACG 2016 Bologna n. 296
- Acceptata ACG 2016 Bologna n. 297
- Secunda ACG 2019 Biên Hòa n. 404
- Definitive ACG 2022 Tultenango n. 348
- In every vicariate there shall be a council whose consent or advice the regional prior vicar provincial must seek on important transactions according to the norm of vicariate statutes. The acts of this council after being collected are to be sent to the prior provincial.
- The number of these councillors and the manner of their election or appointment shall be determined by the vicariate statute.
- When Since in accordance with the prescriptions of the Book of Constitutions and Ordinations or the statute of the province or vicariate, the prior provincial, with his provincial council, has to deal with matters which concern the vicariate, he must first also consult the vicariate council before consulting the provincial council. When however it is a question of confirming, appointing, or removing the regional prior vicar provincial, he consults only the provincial council (see n. 373, 1).
ordinationRevision history
- Definitive ACG 2016 Bologna n. 296
- Technice ACG 2016 Bologna n. 296
- Acceptata ACG 2016 Bologna n. 297
- Secunda ACG 2019 Biên Hòa n. 404
- Definitive ACG 2022 Tultenango n. 348
- In every vicariate there shall be a council whose consent or advice the regional prior vicar provincial must seek on important transactions according to the norm of vicariate statutes. The acts of this council after being collected are to be sent to the prior provincial.
- The number of these councillors and the manner of their election or appointment shall be determined by the vicariate statute.
- When Since in accordance with the prescriptions of the Book of Constitutions and Ordinations or the statute of the province or vicariate, the prior provincial, with his provincial council, has to deal with matters which concern the vicariate, he must first also consult the vicariate council before consulting the provincial council. When however it is a question of confirming, appointing, or removing the regional prior vicar provincial, he consults only the provincial council (see n. 373, 1).
ordinationRevision history
- Confirmed ACG 1968 River Forest n.
- In every vicariate there shall be a council whose consent or advice the regional prior must seek on more serious matters as laid down in the vicariate statute.
- The number of these councillors and the manner of their election or appointment shall be determined by the vicariate statute.
- When, in accordance with the prescriptions of the Book of Constitutions and Ordinations or the statute of the province or vicariate, the Prior Provincial, has to deal with matters which concern the vicariate, he must first consult the vicariate council before consulting the provincial council. When however it is a question of confirming, appointing, or removing the regional prior, he consults only the provincial council (see n. 373, 1).
ordinationRevision history
- Confirmed ACG 1968 River Forest n.
All the brothers, especially those living outside their convent, shall gather periodically to discuss the apostolic and regular life and, if the occasion presents itself, to formulate specific proposals for a future provincial chapter.
ordinationRevision history
- Acceptata ACG 2016 Bologna n. 298
- Definitive ACG 2019 Biên Hòa n. 405
The officials of a regional vicariate shall be appointed according to the norm of the statutes.
ordinationRevision history
- Acceptata ACG 2016 Bologna n. 298
- Definitive ACG 2019 Biên Hòa n. 405
The officials of a regional vicariate shall be appointed according to the norm of the statutes.
ordinationRevision history
- Confirmed ACG 1968 River Forest n.
The officials of a regional vicariate shall be appointed according to the norm of the statutes.
ordinationRevision history
- Acceptata ACG 2010 Romæ n. 278
- Secunda ACG 2013 Traugurii n. 235
Where the conditions for a regional vicariate indicated in n. 384 above are lacking, a provincial chapter has power to establish a provincial vicariate and to draw up a special statute for it. If there are at least ten voters, they have the right to elect a vicar provincial; otherwise, having consulted the brothers, a vicar provincial shall be appointed by the prior provincial.
ordinationRevision history
- Acceptata ACG 2010 Romæ n. 278
- Secunda ACG 2013 Traugurii n. 235
Where the conditions for a regional vicariate indicated in n. 384 above are lacking, a provincial chapter has power to establish a provincial vicariate and to draw up a special statute for it. If there are at least ten voters, they have the right to elect a vicar provincial; otherwise, having consulted the brothers, a vicar provincial shall be appointed by the prior provincial.
ordinationRevision history
- Confirmed ACG 1968 River Forest n.
Where the conditions for a regional vicariate indicated in n. 384 above are lacking, a provincial chapter has power to establish a provincial vicariate and to draw up a special statute for it. If there are at least ten voters, they have the right to elect a vicar provincial; otherwise, having consulted the brothers, a vicar provincial shall be appointed by the prior provincial.