The Object of Administration or the Right to Possess Property
constitutionRevision history
- Confirmed ACG 1968 River Forest n.
Unless otherwise determined by a provincial chapter, the following belong to a convent:
- whatever the brothers assigned there acquire by their own work or activity, either as individuals or as members of the convent, and also personal income of any kind, without prejudice to nn. 174 and 200, § IV;
- gifts made to the convent;
- all goods legitimately acquired in the course of time, whether immovable, movable, or capital, and their accruals.
ordinationRevision history
- Confirmed ACG 1968 River Forest n.
When a convent is suppressed, its goods revert to the province, with due regard for legal obligations.
constitutionRevision history
- Confirmed ACG 1968 River Forest n.
Unless otherwise determined by a provincial chapter, the following belong to a province:
- income earned by the prior provincial;
- gifts made to the province;
- donations made for the education of postulants, novices, and students, as well as for the support of the missions or for other projects committed to the province’s direction;
- income from projects and institutes for which the province has accepted financial responsibility;
- income earned by brothers assigned outside their own province, or working outside it, in accordance with n. 600;
- goods of any kind inherited by members of the province and also free bequests – bequests, that is, left to brothers but without any previous indication of the benefactor’s intention in their regard in writing or before witnesses, without prejudice to n. 200;
- immovable, movable, or capital goods acquired by a province in the course of time, and their accruals;
- taxes imposed on the convents by the provincial chapter.
constitutionRevision history
- Confirmed ACG 1968 River Forest n.
The following belong to the Order:
- immovable, movable, and capital goods, both of the Order and of institutes immediately subject to the Master of the Order, and their accruals;
- the earnings of the brethren working in those institutes and of those working in the general curia, as well as gifts made to them without any special condition, without prejudice to no. 600;
- taxes imposed on provinces by a general chapter;
- taxes on convents or institutes immediately subject to the Master of the Order, imposed by him with his council;
- all other income accruing to the Order as such.