The Subject of Administration
constitutionRevision history
- Confirmed ACG 1968 River Forest n.
The Order may acquire, possess and administer temporal goods, and so too may each province and convent.
ordinationRevision history
- Confirmed ACG 1968 River Forest n.
In the section on economic administration the word ‘Order’ is taken to mean a juridical person under the immediate jurisdiction of the Master of the Order and comprising, as does a province, convents and institutes.
constitutionRevision history
- Confirmed ACG 1968 River Forest n.
- Institutes and undertakings which pertain to a convent, a province, or the Order, and which are placed under the jurisdiction of the respective superior, may enjoy certain rights according to the statute of administration of the province or of the Order.
- Similarly, personal administration may be conceded to designated officials of a convent, a province, or the Order: they are considered delegated administrators.
- Within the limits of the statute of administration of a province or of the Order, superiors may depute individual brothers to carry out particular tasks.
ordinationRevision history
- Confirmed ACG 1968 River Forest n.
The Master of the Order and a prior provincial may each have a separate personal account for personal and discrete expenses.
constitutionRevision history
- Confirmed ACG 1968 River Forest n.
Delegated or appointed administrators, as well as superiors and bursars, may also validly incur expenses and perform juridical acts of ordinary or extraordinary administration, provided they have the requisite approval.
constitutionRevision history
- Technice ACG 2019 Biên Hòa n. 425
- If through its superiors, or its ordinary or delegated administrators, a convent, province or the Order incurs debts and obligations within the limits of their office, the moral juridical person itself is responsible for them.
- Similarly, if a deputed administrator contracts debts and obligations, the moral juridical person in whose name the transactions took place is responsible for them.
- If a brother contracts debts and obligations without a superior’s permission, he himself is responsible for them, not the Order, province or convent.
constitutionRevision history
- Confirmed ACG 1968 River Forest n.
- If through its superiors, or its ordinary or delegated administrators, a convent, province or the Order incurs debts and obligations within the limits of their office, the moral person itself is responsible for them.
- Similarly, if a deputed administrator contracts debts and obligations, the moral person in whose name the transactions took place is responsible for them.
- If a brother contracts debts and obligations without a superior’s permission, he himself is responsible for them, not the Order, province or convent.