Election of Delegates Going to a Provincial Chapter
constitutionRevision history
- Technice ACG 2019 Biên Hòa n. 420
- Without prejudice to n. 491, § II, and with the exception of those who in accordance with n. 352, § I and § III are already represented, the following elect a delegate to a provincial chapter, provided they enjoy active voice (see nn. 440 and 441):
- brothers directly assigned to houses of the province;
- unless the provincial statute stipulate otherwise, brothers directly assigned to houses or convents under the immediate jurisdiction of the Master of the Order, always excepting those who belong to the general council;
- brothers indirectly assigned outside the province, provided they are not superiors;
- brothers assigned to convents for which an agreement has been reached in accordance with n. 391, 4 and 5, provided that they are not conventual priors.
- Given the requirements of n. 490, § I concerning the number of voters required for the election of the socius of a prior, other voters living outside the convent who for a grave reason cannot participate in the election of the socius in the convent of their assignation (see n. 491) shall be joined to a specified electoral college by the prior provincial with his council.
- Given the requirements of n. 443, § I, all the brothers who have active voice in the election of a delegate are also eligible from the same college to which they belong.
constitutionRevision history
- Inchoata ACG 2013 Traugurii n. 260
- Adprobata ACG 2016 Bologna n. 325
- Confirmata ACG 2019 Biên Hòa n. 421
- Without prejudice to n. 491, § II, and with the exception of those who in accordance with n. 352, § I and § III are already represented, the following elect a delegate to a provincial chapter, provided they enjoy active voice (see nn. 440 and 441):
- brothers directly assigned to houses of the province;
- unless the provincial statute stipulate otherwise, brothers directly assigned to houses or convents under the immediate jurisdiction of the Master of the Order, always excepting those who belong to the general council;
- brothers indirectly assigned outside the province, provided they are not superiors;
- brothers assigned to convents for which an agreement has been reached in accordance with n. 391, 4 and 5, provided that they are not conventual priors.
- Given the requirements of n. 490, § I concerning the number of voters required for the election of the socius of a prior, other voters living outside the convent who for a grave reason cannot participate in the election of the socius in the convent of their assignation (see n. 491) shall be joined to a specified electoral college by the prior provincial with his council.
- Given the requirements of n. 443, § I, all the brothers who have active voice in the election of a delegate are also eligible from the same college to which they belong.
constitutionRevision history
- Confirmed ACG 1968 River Forest n.
- Without prejudice to n. 491, § II, and with the exception of those who in accordance with n. 352, § I and § III are already represented, the following elect a delegate to a provincial chapter, provided they enjoy active voice (see nn. 440 and 441):
- brothers directly assigned to houses of the province;
- unless the provincial statute stipulate otherwise, brothers directly assigned to houses or convents under the immediate jurisdiction of the Master of the Order, always excepting those who belong to the general council;
- brothers indirectly assigned outside the province, provided they are not superiors;
- brothers assigned to convents for which an agreement has been reached in accordance with n. 391, 4 and 5, provided that they are not conventual priors.
- Given the requirements of n. 490, § I concerning the number of voters required for the election of the socius of a prior, other voters living outside the convent who for a grave reason cannot participate in the election of the socius in the convent of their assignation (see n. 491) shall be joined to a specified electoral college by the prior provincial with his council.
- Given the requirements of n. 443, § I, all the brothers who have active voice in the election of a delegate are also eligible from the same college to which they belong.
ordinationRevision history
- Confirmed ACG 1968 River Forest n.
The provincial chapter or the prior provincial with his council shall divide the voters into several colleges according to number and regions, ensuring that no college has fewer than eight voters or more than fifteen. If in a particular region there are fewer than eight voters, they shall be added to another electoral college.
ordinationRevision history
- Technice ACG 2019 Biên Hòa n. 422
- Technice ACG 2019 Biên Hòa n. 423
- Technice ACG 2019 Biên Hòa n. 424
- Definitive ACG 2022 Tultenango n. 362
- It is the task of the provincial council to determine for each electoral college whether the voters must come together specially to hold the election or vote by post.
- If the election is to be held in a special assembly:
- the president and place of the election shall be determined by the provincial council;
- in the actual election, nn. 452 and 494, § IV shall be observed;
- after the election of a delegate, provision shall be made in the same manner for electing a substitute in case of necessity.
- If, however, the voters cannot gather together conveniently, it proceeds by mail, the
prior provincial presiding, in accord with n. 455-bis and according to the following norms:- if an absolute majority is not obtained in the first ballot, the prior provincial with his council shall proceed according to n. 455-bis, § II, 6 and 7. In the final ballot, whether it is the second (n. 6), third or fourth (n.7), only those two may be presented who achieved the greater number of votes in the preceding ballot, and n. 450, § III must be observed.
- in the event of a delegate being incapacitated, the substitute shall be the one who in the final ballot obtained the second highest number of votes, and n. 450, § III, must be observed.
ordinationRevision history
- Technice ACG 2019 Biên Hòa n. 422
- Technice ACG 2019 Biên Hòa n. 423
- Technice ACG 2019 Biên Hòa n. 424
- Definitive ACG 2022 Tultenango n. 362
- It is the task of the provincial council to determine for each electoral college whether the voters must come together specially to hold the election or vote by post.
- If the election is to be held in a special assembly:
- the president and place of the election shall be determined by the provincial council;
- in the actual election, nn. 452 and 494, § IV shall be observed;
- after the election of a delegate, provision shall be made in the same manner for electing a substitute in case of necessity.
- If, however, the voters cannot gather together conveniently, it proceeds by mail, the
prior provincial presiding, in accord with n. 455-bis and according to the following norms:- if an absolute majority is not obtained in the first ballot, the prior provincial with his council shall proceed according to n. 455-bis, § II, 6 and 7. In the final ballot, whether it is the second (n. 6), third or fourth (n.7), only those two may be presented who achieved the greater number of votes in the preceding ballot, and n. 450, § III must be observed.
- in the event of a delegate being incapacitated, the substitute shall be the one who in the final ballot obtained the second highest number of votes, and n. 450, § III, must be observed.
ordinationRevision history
- Technice ACG 2019 Biên Hòa n. 422
- Technice ACG 2019 Biên Hòa n. 423
- Technice ACG 2019 Biên Hòa n. 424
- Definitive ACG 2022 Tultenango n. 362
- It is the task of the provincial council to determine for each electoral college whether the voters must come together specially to hold the election or vote by post.
- If the election is to be held in a special assembly:
- the president and place of the election shall be determined by the provincial council;
- in the actual election, nn. 452 and 494, § IV shall be observed;
- after the election of a delegate, provision shall be made in the same manner for electing a substitute in case of necessity.
- If, however, the voters cannot gather together conveniently, it proceeds by mail, the
prior provincial presiding, in accord with n. 455-bis and according to the following norms:- if an absolute majority is not obtained in the first ballot, the prior provincial with his council shall proceed according to n. 455-bis, § II, 6 and 7. In the final ballot, whether it is the second (n. 6), third or fourth (n.7), only those two may be presented who achieved the greater number of votes in the preceding ballot, and n. 450, § III must be observed.
- in the event of a delegate being incapacitated, the substitute shall be the one who in the final ballot obtained the second highest number of votes, and n. 450, § III, must be observed.
ordinationRevision history
- Technice ACG 2019 Biên Hòa n. 422
- Technice ACG 2019 Biên Hòa n. 423
- Technice ACG 2019 Biên Hòa n. 424
- Definitive ACG 2022 Tultenango n. 362
- It is the task of the provincial council to determine for each electoral college whether the voters must come together specially to hold the election or vote by post.
- If the election is to be held in a special assembly:
- the president and place of the election shall be determined by the provincial council;
- in the actual election, nn. 452 and 494, § IV shall be observed;
- after the election of a delegate, provision shall be made in the same manner for electing a substitute in case of necessity.
- If, however, the voters cannot gather together conveniently, it proceeds by mail, the
prior provincial presiding, in accord with n. 455-bis and according to the following norms:- if an absolute majority is not obtained in the first ballot, the prior provincial with his council shall proceed according to n. 455-bis, § II, 6 and 7. In the final ballot, whether it is the second (n. 6), third or fourth (n.7), only those two may be presented who achieved the greater number of votes in the preceding ballot, and n. 450, § III must be observed.
- in the event of a delegate being incapacitated, the substitute shall be the one who in the final ballot obtained the second highest number of votes, and n. 450, § III, must be observed.
ordinationRevision history
- Acceptata ACG 2016 Bologna n. 327
- Secunda ACG 2019 Biên Hòa n. 424
- It is the task of the provincial council to determine for each electoral college whether the voters must come together specially to hold the election or vote by post.
- If the election is to be held in a special assembly:
- the president and place of the election shall be determined by the provincial council;
- in the actual election, nn. 452 and 494, § IV shall be observed;
- after the election of a delegate, provision shall be made in the same manner for electing a substitute in case of necessity.
- If, however, the voters cannot gather together conveniently, it proceeds by mail, the prior provincial presiding, in accord with n. 455-bis and according to the following norms:
1. each voter shall write his vote on a ballot-paper and send it in a double envelope to the prior provincial or regional prior in accordance with n. 480, § III;
2. when the time fixed for receiving ballot-papers has elapsed, the prior provincial or the regional prior with his council shall carry out the count according to the norm n. 480 § IV, 1-4;
3. if the majority required for election is obtained, all voters shall be informed by letter of the result of the election;- if, however, an absolute majority is not obtained in the first ballot, the prior provincial with his council shall proceed according to 480, IV, n. 455-bis, § II, 6 and 7. In the final ballot, whether it is the second (n. 6), third or fourth (n.7), only those two may be presented who achieved the greater number of votes in the preceding ballot, and n. 450, § III must be observed.
- in the event of a delegate being incapacitated, the substitute shall be the one who in the final ballot obtained the second highest number of votes, and n. 450, § III, must be observed.
ordinationRevision history
- Acceptata ACG 2016 Bologna n. 327
- Secunda ACG 2019 Biên Hòa n. 424
- It is the task of the provincial council to determine for each electoral college whether the voters must come together specially to hold the election or vote by post.
- If the election is to be held in a special assembly:
- the president and place of the election shall be determined by the provincial council;
- in the actual election, nn. 452 and 494, § IV shall be observed;
- after the election of a delegate, provision shall be made in the same manner for electing a substitute in case of necessity.
- If, however, the voters cannot gather together conveniently, it proceeds by mail, the prior provincial presiding, in accord with n. 455-bis and according to the following norms:
1. each voter shall write his vote on a ballot-paper and send it in a double envelope to the prior provincial or regional prior in accordance with n. 480, § III;
2. when the time fixed for receiving ballot-papers has elapsed, the prior provincial or the regional prior with his council shall carry out the count according to the norm n. 480 § IV, 1-4;
3. if the majority required for election is obtained, all voters shall be informed by letter of the result of the election;- if, however, an absolute majority is not obtained in the first ballot, the prior provincial with his council shall proceed according to 480, IV, n. 455-bis, § II, 6 and 7. In the final ballot, whether it is the second (n. 6), third or fourth (n.7), only those two may be presented who achieved the greater number of votes in the preceding ballot, and n. 450, § III must be observed.
- in the event of a delegate being incapacitated, the substitute shall be the one who in the final ballot obtained the second highest number of votes, and n. 450, § III, must be observed.
ordinationRevision history
- Technice ACG 2013 Traugurii n. 261
- Acceptata ACG 2013 Traugurii n. 262
- Secunda ACG 2016 Bologna n. 326
- It is the task of the provincial council or the regional council to determine for each electoral college whether the voters must come together specially to hold the election or vote by post.
- If the election is to be held in a special assembly:
- the president and place of the election shall be determined by the provincial or regional council;
- in the actual election, nn. 452 and 494, § III IV shall be observed;
- after the election of a delegate, provision shall be made in the same manner for electing a substitute in case of necessity.
- If, however, the voters cannot gather together conveniently:
- each voter shall write his vote on a ballot-paper and send it in a double envelope to the prior provincial or regional prior in accordance with n. 480, § III;
- when the time fixed for receiving ballot-papers has elapsed, the prior provincial or the regional prior with his council shall carry out the count according to the norm n. 480 § IV, 1-4;
- if the majority required for election is obtained, all voters shall be informed by letter of the result of the election;
- if, however, an absolute majority is not obtained in the first ballot, the prior provincial or regional prior with his council shall proceed according to n. 480, § IV, 6, and 7. In the final ballot, whether it is the second (n. 6), third or fourth (n.7), only those two may be presented who achieved the greater number of votes in the preceding ballot, and n. 450, § III must be observed.
- in the event of a delegate being incapacitated, the substitute shall be the one who in the final ballot obtained the second highest number of votes, and n. 450, § III, must be observed.
ordinationRevision history
- Technice ACG 2013 Traugurii n. 261
- Acceptata ACG 2013 Traugurii n. 262
- Secunda ACG 2016 Bologna n. 326
- It is the task of the provincial council or the regional council to determine for each electoral college whether the voters must come together specially to hold the election or vote by post.
- If the election is to be held in a special assembly:
- the president and place of the election shall be determined by the provincial or regional council;
- in the actual election, nn. 452 and 494, § III IV shall be observed;
- after the election of a delegate, provision shall be made in the same manner for electing a substitute in case of necessity.
- If, however, the voters cannot gather together conveniently:
- each voter shall write his vote on a ballot-paper and send it in a double envelope to the prior provincial or regional prior in accordance with n. 480, § III;
- when the time fixed for receiving ballot-papers has elapsed, the prior provincial or the regional prior with his council shall carry out the count according to the norm n. 480 § IV, 1-4;
- if the majority required for election is obtained, all voters shall be informed by letter of the result of the election;
- if, however, an absolute majority is not obtained in the first ballot, the prior provincial or regional prior with his council shall proceed according to n. 480, § IV, 6, and 7. In the final ballot, whether it is the second (n. 6), third or fourth (n.7), only those two may be presented who achieved the greater number of votes in the preceding ballot, and n. 450, § III must be observed.
- in the event of a delegate being incapacitated, the substitute shall be the one who in the final ballot obtained the second highest number of votes, and n. 450, § III, must be observed.
ordinationRevision history
- Technice ACG 2013 Traugurii n. 261
- Acceptata ACG 2013 Traugurii n. 262
- Secunda ACG 2016 Bologna n. 326
- It is the task of the provincial council or the regional council to determine for each electoral college whether the voters must come together specially to hold the election or vote by post.
- If the election is to be held in a special assembly:
- the president and place of the election shall be determined by the provincial or regional council;
- in the actual election, nn. 452 and 494, § III IV shall be observed;
- after the election of a delegate, provision shall be made in the same manner for electing a substitute in case of necessity.
- If, however, the voters cannot gather together conveniently:
- each voter shall write his vote on a ballot-paper and send it in a double envelope to the prior provincial or regional prior in accordance with n. 480, § III;
- when the time fixed for receiving ballot-papers has elapsed, the prior provincial or the regional prior with his council shall carry out the count according to the norm n. 480 § IV, 1-4;
- if the majority required for election is obtained, all voters shall be informed by letter of the result of the election;
- if, however, an absolute majority is not obtained in the first ballot, the prior provincial or regional prior with his council shall proceed according to n. 480, § IV, 6, and 7. In the final ballot, whether it is the second (n. 6), third or fourth (n.7), only those two may be presented who achieved the greater number of votes in the preceding ballot, and n. 450, § III must be observed.
- in the event of a delegate being incapacitated, the substitute shall be the one who in the final ballot obtained the second highest number of votes, and n. 450, § III, must be observed.
ordinationRevision history
- Acceptata ACG 2010 Romæ n. 288
- Secunda ACG 2013 Traugurii n. 263
- It is the task of the provincial council or the regional council to determine for each electoral college whether the voters must come together specially to hold the election or vote by post.
- If the election is to be held in a special assembly:
- the president and place of the election shall be determined by the provincial or regional council;
- in the actual election, nn. 452 and 494, § III shall be observed;
- after the election of a delegate, provision shall be made in the same manner for electing a substitute in case of necessity.
- If, however, the voters cannot gather together conveniently, the election is held according to the following norms:
- each voter shall write his vote on a ballot-paper and send it in a double envelope to the prior provincial or regional prior in accordance with n. 480, § III;
- when the time fixed for receiving ballot-papers has elapsed, the prior provincial or the regional prior with his council or with two tellers approved by the council shall carry out the count according to the norm n. 480 § IV, 1-4;
- if the majority required for election is obtained, all voters shall be informed by letter of the result of the election;
- if, however, an absolute majority is not obtained in the first ballot, the provincial or regional prior with his council shall proceed according to n. 480, § IV, 6, and 7. In the final ballot, whether it is the second (n. 6), third or fourth (n.7), only those two may be presented who achieved the greater number of votes in the preceding ballot, and n. 450, § III must be observed.
- in the event of a delegate being incapacitated, the substitute shall be the one who in the final ballot obtained the second highest number of votes, and n. 450, § III, must be observed.
ordinationRevision history
- Acceptata ACG 2010 Romæ n. 288
- Secunda ACG 2013 Traugurii n. 263
- It is the task of the provincial council or the regional council to determine for each electoral college whether the voters must come together specially to hold the election or vote by post.
- If the election is to be held in a special assembly:
- the president and place of the election shall be determined by the provincial or regional council;
- in the actual election, nn. 452 and 494, § III shall be observed;
- after the election of a delegate, provision shall be made in the same manner for electing a substitute in case of necessity.
- If, however, the voters cannot gather together conveniently, the election is held according to the following norms:
- each voter shall write his vote on a ballot-paper and send it in a double envelope to the prior provincial or regional prior in accordance with n. 480, § III;
- when the time fixed for receiving ballot-papers has elapsed, the prior provincial or the regional prior with his council or with two tellers approved by the council shall carry out the count according to the norm n. 480 § IV, 1-4;
- if the majority required for election is obtained, all voters shall be informed by letter of the result of the election;
- if, however, an absolute majority is not obtained in the first ballot, the provincial or regional prior with his council shall proceed according to n. 480, § IV, 6, and 7. In the final ballot, whether it is the second (n. 6), third or fourth (n.7), only those two may be presented who achieved the greater number of votes in the preceding ballot, and n. 450, § III must be observed.
- in the event of a delegate being incapacitated, the substitute shall be the one who in the final ballot obtained the second highest number of votes, and n. 450, § III, must be observed.
ordinationRevision history
- Confirmed ACG 1968 River Forest n.
- It is the task of the provincial council or the regional council to determine for each electoral college whether the voters must come together specially to hold the election or vote by post.
- If the election is to be held in a special assembly:
- the president and place of the election shall be determined by the provincial or regional council;
- in the actual election, nn. 452 and 494, § III shall be observed;
- after the election of a delegate, provision shall be made in the same manner for electing a substitute in case of necessity.
- If, however, the voters cannot gather together conveniently, it is held according to the following norms:
- each voter shall write his vote on a ballot-paper and send it in a double envelope to the prior provincial or regional prior in accordance with n. 480, § III;
- when the time fixed for receiving ballot-papers has elapsed, the prior provincial or the regional prior with his council shall carry out the count according to the norm n. 480 § IV, 1-4;
- if the majority required for election is obtained, all voters shall be informed by letter of the result of the election;
- if, however, an absolute majority is not obtained in the first ballot, the provincial or regional prior with his council shall proceed according to n. 480, § IV, 6, and 7. In the final ballot, whether it is the second (n. 6), third or fourth (n.7), only those two may be presented who achieved the greater number of votes in the preceding ballot, and n. 450, § III must be observed.
- in the event of a delegate being incapacitated, the substitute shall be the one who in the final ballot obtained the second highest number of votes, and n. 450, § III, must be observed.
ordinationRevision history
- Confirmed ACG 1968 River Forest n.
Testimonial letters of election shall be sent to those elected in accordance with n. 453, § II (see Appendix n. 28).
ordinationRevision history
- Confirmed ACG 1968 River Forest n.
Delegates have voting rights only in the chapter for which they were elected, in accordance with n. 496, § I and § II.