Devolution of the Right to Appoint a Conventual Prior
constitutionRevision history
- Confirmed ACG 1968 River Forest n.
Without prejudice to n. 373, 1, the right of appointing a conventual prior (see Appendix, n. 23) devolves upon the prior provincial:
- when a convent, at the time of a prioral vacancy, does not have the conditions mentioned in n. 260; if it fulfils those conditions but one or more of the voters will not or cannot cast their vote, then one voter is sufficient to carry out an election legitimately provided he waits until the last day of a month;
- when all the voters have renounced their vote and have not been reinstated by the prior provincial;
- when the voters have not elected or postulated within a month of coming to know of the prioral vacancy, or of the cassation or non-acceptance of the previous election;
- when, three months have elapsed from the prioral vacancy, the convent, for any reason whatsoever, still does not have a confirmed prior, without prejudice to 302, § II.
- when in the process of election there have been seven inconclusive ballots;
- when the voters elect the same brother again after the first election has been cassated, unless that election was cassated only because of a defect of form and not because of the person elected;
- when there have been two or at most three elections confirmed by the prior provincial and not accepted by those elected, then after the second election the prior provincial may, and after the third, he must, appoint a prior.
ordinationRevision history
- Confirmed ACG 1968 River Forest n.
If a prior provincial does not appoint a prior within a month from the date of notification that the right of appointment has been ceded to him, the right of providing for the office devolves upon the Master of the Order.
ordinationRevision history
- Confirmed ACG 1968 River Forest n.
An appointed prior is bound to give his acceptance or refusal of the office in writing in the same way as an elected prior (see nn. 469-471).