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Convocation of Electors and Their Obligation to Vote

Start Date


  • constitution
    • Confirmed ACG 1968 River Forest n.
    Revision history
    1. For every election, all voters must be convoked by him who has the right to preside over the election. In the convocation itself, the time and place for holding the election shall be indicated. Failure to convoke does not impede an election, if those who were overlooked are present in any case, provided CCL 166 § 3, is observed.
    2. An election shall be held within the time prescribed for each office, and when that time has elapsed without having being availed of, the right of election is lost and it is for the competent superior to see to the filling of the vacancy.


  • constitution
    • Confirmed ACG 1968 River Forest n.
    Revision history
    1. Since the right to elect is principally for the public good of the Order, all electors are obliged to obey the convocation.
    2. He who, without a just cause approved by the major superior, abstains from voting in an election of superiors is deprived of a vote in any election whatever for a full year, counting from the date of the aforesaid abstention.


  • constitution
    • Confirmed ACG 1968 River Forest n.
    Revision history
    1. An elector, who knows for certain that he has the right to elect and that convocation has taken place is obliged to attend the election even if he was not summoned.
    2. Doubtful electors, even coming of their own accord, must be admitted to the election, but under protest.