The Socii of the Master
constitutionRevision history
- Inchoata cum ordinatione ACG 2016 Bologna n. 306
- Adprobata cum ordinatione ACG 2019 Biên Hòa n. 408
- Confirmata ACG 2022 Tultenango n. 350
- The socii help the Master of the Order in the exercise of his office over the whole Order; with their consent or advice the Master governs the Order, discussing and deciding questions of major importance for the life of the whole Order.
- The socii of the Master of the Order are to be no fewer than eight and no more than ten. Two Three of them have charge of matters to do with the apostolate and the intellectual life and the fraternal life and formation in the Order respectively; to the others is entrusted care for the relationship of the provinces with the Order, and for other matters which may be committed to them by the Master of the Order (see n. 428).
constitutionRevision history
- Inchoata cum ordinatione ACG 2016 Bologna n. 306
- Adprobata cum ordinatione ACG 2019 Biên Hòa n. 408
- Confirmata ACG 2022 Tultenango n. 350
- The socii help the Master of the Order in the exercise of his office over the whole Order; with their consent or advice the Master governs the Order, discussing and deciding questions of major importance for the life of the whole Order.
- The socii of the Master of the Order are to be no fewer than eight and no more than ten. Two Three of them have charge of matters to do with the apostolate and the intellectual life and the fraternal life and formation in the Order respectively; to the others is entrusted care for the relationship of the provinces with the Order, and for other matters which may be committed to them by the Master of the Order (see n. 428).
constitutionRevision history
- Inchoata cum ordinatione ACG 2016 Bologna n. 306
- Adprobata cum ordinatione ACG 2019 Biên Hòa n. 408
- Confirmata ACG 2022 Tultenango n. 350
- The socii help the Master of the Order in the exercise of his office over the whole Order; with their consent or advice the Master governs the Order, discussing and deciding questions of major importance for the life of the whole Order.
- The socii of the Master of the Order are to be no fewer than eight and no more than ten. Two Three of them have charge of matters to do with the apostolate and the intellectual life and the fraternal life and formation in the Order respectively; to the others is entrusted care for the relationship of the provinces with the Order, and for other matters which may be committed to them by the Master of the Order (see n. 428).
constitutionRevision history
- Confirmed ACG 1968 River Forest n.
- The socii help the Master of the Order in the exercise of his office over the whole Order; with their consent or advice the Master governs the Order, discussing and deciding questions of major importance for the life of the whole Order.
- The socii of the Master of the Order are to be no fewer than eight and no more than ten. Two of them have charge of matters to do with the apostolate and the intellectual life in the Order respectively; to the others is entrusted care for the relationship of the provinces with the Order, and for other matters which may be committed to them by the Master of the Order (see n. 428).
ordinationRevision history
- Confirmed ACG 1968 River Forest n.
The main duties of the socius for the apostolate in the Order are:
- to assist the Master of the Order in everything which concerns the ministry of the word;
- to deal with problems arising from the apostolic life and evangelization for the whole Order;
- as a special responsibility, to negotiate with the Holy See on behalf of the Order’s missions, to help the Master of the Order to govern the missions, and to gather and communicate information about them.
ordinationRevision history
- Confirmed ACG 1968 River Forest n.
- The main duties of the socius for the intellectual life in the Order are:
- to help the Master of the Order to promote the Order’s doctrinal mission according to n. 90, § II;
- to help all the provinces make the best possible provision for both the initial and permanent intellectual formation of the brothers;
- to deal with all matters which pertain to centres of study under the immediate jurisdiction of the Master of the Order, including scientific institutes and the Leonine Commission;
- at suitable times to bring together the regents and promoters of one or more regions; to foster congresses, etc.;
- to deal with the Holy See concerning studies in the Order.
- Other duties, which might impede him in the exercise of his office, shall not be imposed on the socius for the intellectual life.
ordinationRevision history
- Acceptata ACG 2016 Bologna n. 307
- Secunda ACG 2019 Biên Hòa n. 409
- Definitive ACG 2022 Tultenango n. 351
To the assistant for fraternal life and formation in the Order these especially pertain:
- to help the Master of the Order in all things which pertain to fraternal life and religious formation of the brethren, whether initial or ongoing [permanentem].
- to help all the provinces, that they might provide for the religious formation of the brethren and for the flourishing of fraternal life;
- when possible, to gather together the masters of initial formation as well as the promoters of permanent formation of one or several regions.
- to facilitate for the provinces the instruction and the formation of the formators as well as the augmentation and execution of the plans of the provincials pertaining to ongoing formation.
ordinationRevision history
- Acceptata ACG 2016 Bologna n. 307
- Secunda ACG 2019 Biên Hòa n. 409
- Definitive ACG 2022 Tultenango n. 351
To the assistant for fraternal life and formation in the Order these especially pertain:
- to help the Master of the Order in all things which pertain to fraternal life and religious formation of the brethren, whether initial or ongoing [permanentem].
- to help all the provinces, that they might provide for the religious formation of the brethren and for the flourishing of fraternal life;
- when possible, to gather together the masters of initial formation as well as the promoters of permanent formation of one or several regions.
- to facilitate for the provinces the instruction and the formation of the formators as well as the augmentation and execution of the plans of the provincials pertaining to ongoing formation.
ordinationRevision history
- Acceptata ACG 2016 Bologna n. 307
- Secunda ACG 2019 Biên Hòa n. 409
- Definitive ACG 2022 Tultenango n. 351
To the assistant for fraternal life and formation in the Order these especially pertain:
- to help the Master of the Order in all things which pertain to fraternal life and religious formation of the brethren, whether initial or ongoing [permanentem].
- to help all the provinces, that they might provide for the religious formation of the brethren and for the flourishing of fraternal life;
- when possible, to gather together the masters of initial formation as well as the promoters of permanent formation of one or several regions.
- to facilitate for the provinces the instruction and the formation of the formators as well as the augmentation and execution of the plans of the provincials pertaining to ongoing formation.
ordinationRevision history
- Confirmed ACG 1968 River Forest n.
- Other socii foster the mutual relationships of the provinces with the Master of the Order. They help him by communicating the decisions and the directives of the central government to the provinces committed to them, and by knowing the provinces well, and according to the plans of the Master of the Order, by frequenting them often, and also by visiting them in his place. However, they enjoy no jurisdiction over individual provinces.
- Their chief function is to help the provinces and to promote collaboration between those of the same region, putting into practice what is said about this in nn. 390-395. If the Master of the Order so decides, they may also be put in charge of some secretariats.
constitutionRevision history
- Inchoata cum ordinatione ACG 2016 Bologna n. 308
- Adprobata cum ordinatione ACG 2019 Biên Hòa n. 410
- Confirmata ACG 2022 Tultenango n. 352
- All the socii are appointed by the Master of the Order, remain in office for six years, and may be appointed again for another six years, always leaving the new Master of the Order free to change the brothers who are members of the general council.
- The appointment of socii for the apostolate, and for the intellectual life, and for fraternal life and formation shall take place after the views of all priors provincial have been ascertained.
- The appointment of socii to deal with relations between provinces and the Master of the Order shall take place after the priors provincial concerned have been consulted. When they shall have reached an agreement on the matter they shall offer three names to the Master of the Order. The Master of the Order is obliged to appoint one of the three or to ask that three other names be offered.
constitutionRevision history
- Inchoata cum ordinatione ACG 2016 Bologna n. 308
- Adprobata cum ordinatione ACG 2019 Biên Hòa n. 410
- Confirmata ACG 2022 Tultenango n. 352
- All the socii are appointed by the Master of the Order, remain in office for six years, and may be appointed again for another six years, always leaving the new Master of the Order free to change the brothers who are members of the general council.
- The appointment of socii for the apostolate, and for the intellectual life, and for fraternal life and formation shall take place after the views of all priors provincial have been ascertained.
- The appointment of socii to deal with relations between provinces and the Master of the Order shall take place after the priors provincial concerned have been consulted. When they shall have reached an agreement on the matter they shall offer three names to the Master of the Order. The Master of the Order is obliged to appoint one of the three or to ask that three other names be offered.
constitutionRevision history
- Inchoata cum ordinatione ACG 2016 Bologna n. 308
- Adprobata cum ordinatione ACG 2019 Biên Hòa n. 410
- Confirmata ACG 2022 Tultenango n. 352
- All the socii are appointed by the Master of the Order, remain in office for six years, and may be appointed again for another six years, always leaving the new Master of the Order free to change the brothers who are members of the general council.
- The appointment of socii for the apostolate, and for the intellectual life, and for fraternal life and formation shall take place after the views of all priors provincial have been ascertained.
- The appointment of socii to deal with relations between provinces and the Master of the Order shall take place after the priors provincial concerned have been consulted. When they shall have reached an agreement on the matter they shall offer three names to the Master of the Order. The Master of the Order is obliged to appoint one of the three or to ask that three other names be offered.
constitutionRevision history
- Confirmed ACG 1968 River Forest n.
- All the socii are appointed by the Master of the Order, remain in office for six years, and may be appointed again for another six years, always leaving the new Master of the Order free to change the brothers who are members of the general council.
- The appointment of socii for the apostolate and for the intellectual life shall take place after the views of all priors provincial have been ascertained.
- The appointment of socii to deal with relations between provinces and the Master of the Order shall take place after the priors provincial concerned have been consulted. When they shall have reached an agreement on the matter they shall offer three names to the Master of the Order. The Master of the Order is obliged to appoint one of the three or to ask that three other names be offered.
ordinationRevision history
- Confirmed ACG 1968 River Forest n.
At least three months before the beginning of a general chapter, each socius shall send to all the voters at the general chapter a careful assessment of the more serious problems within the area for which he is appointed.