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Inter-provincial Cooperation


  • ordination
    • Confirmed ACG 1968 River Forest n.
    Revision history
    1. So that the Order’s apostolate in the service of the Church may be exercised more effectively, the provinces which are in the same region or country should help each other, especially those which are in the territory of the same episcopal conference. Not only should they be united in a bond of fraternal charity and help each other occasionally, they should also, as far as possible, cooperate regularly according to mutually agreed norms.
    2. The same must be said about houses or convents under the immediate jurisdiction of the Master of the Order so that there may be effective collaboration between all entities of the Order in any one place.


  • ordination
    • Acceptata ACG 2016 Bologna n. 168
    • Secunda ACG 2019 Biên Hòa n. 437
    • Definitive ACG 2022 Tultenango n. 349
    Revision history

    The following may be used to foster collaboration among the provinces of a region or nation:

    1. regular meetings between the priors provincial or differ­ent officials, such as the masters of novices, of students and of cooperator brothers, of regents, professors, promoters, etc.;
    2. interprovincial conferences or commissions for the study of common problems;
    3. national or regional promoters for different activities;
    4. a common novitiate or studentate or common centres, according to norms to be approved by the Master of the Order; 
    5. an agreement entered into with the consent of the Master of the Order for the erection of interprovincial convents and for making assignations from one province to another. 
    6. an agreement between two provincial chapters or priors provincial for making direct assignations from one province to a house of the other province, with due respect for nn 270 § I and II, 497 § I and 600, the Master of the Order, however, having been notified (see Appendix 16). Such an agreement is to be reviewed at least once every five years by the priors provincial of the respective provinces.
  • ordination
    • Acceptata ACG 2016 Bologna n. 168
    • Secunda ACG 2019 Biên Hòa n. 437
    • Definitive ACG 2022 Tultenango n. 349
    Revision history

    The following may be used to foster collaboration among the provinces of a region or nation:

    1. regular meetings between the priors provincial or differ­ent officials, such as the masters of novices, of students and of cooperator brothers, of regents, professors, promoters, etc.;
    2. interprovincial conferences or commissions for the study of common problems;
    3. national or regional promoters for different activities;
    4. a common novitiate or studentate or common centres, according to norms to be approved by the Master of the Order; 
    5. an agreement entered into with the consent of the Master of the Order for the erection of interprovincial convents and for making assignations from one province to another. 
    6. an agreement between two provincial chapters or priors provincial for making direct assignations from one province to a house of the other province, with due respect for nn 270 § I and II, 497 § I and 600, the Master of the Order, however, having been notified (see Appendix 16). Such an agreement is to be reviewed at least once every five years by the priors provincial of the respective provinces.
  • ordination
    • Acceptata ACG 2016 Bologna n. 168
    • Secunda ACG 2019 Biên Hòa n. 437
    • Definitive ACG 2022 Tultenango n. 349
    Revision history

    The following may be used to foster collaboration among the provinces of a region or nation:

    1. regular meetings between the priors provincial or differ­ent officials, such as the masters of novices, of students and of cooperator brothers, of regents, professors, promoters, etc.;
    2. interprovincial conferences or commissions for the study of common problems;
    3. national or regional promoters for different activities;
    4. a common novitiate or studentate or common centres, according to norms to be approved by the Master of the Order; 
    5. an agreement entered into with the consent of the Master of the Order for the erection of interprovincial convents and for making assignations from one province to another. 
    6. an agreement between two provincial chapters or priors provincial for making direct assignations from one province to a house of the other province, with due respect for nn 270 § I and II, 497 § I and 600, the Master of the Order, however, having been notified (see Appendix 16). Such an agreement is to be reviewed at least once every five years by the priors provincial of the respective provinces.
  • ordination
    • Acceptata ACG 2001 Providence 2001 n. 496
    • Secunda ACG 2004 Kraków n. 375
    • Definitive ACG 2016 Bologna n. 298
    Revision history

    The following may be used to foster collaboration among the provinces of a region or nation:

    1. regular meetings between the priors provincial or differ­ent officials, such as the masters of novices, of students and of cooperator brothers, of regents, professors, promoters, etc.;
    2. interprovincial conferences or commissions for the study of common problems;
    3. national or regional promoters for different activities;
    4. a common novitiate or studentate or common centres, according to norms to be approved by the Master of the Order; 
    5. an agreement entered into with the consent of the Master of the Order for the erection of interprovincial convents and for making assignations from one province to another. 
    6. an agreement between two provincial chapters or priors provincial for making direct assignations from one province to a house of the other province, with due respect for nn 270 § I and II, 497 § I and 600, the Master of the Order, however, having been notified (see Appendix 16).
  • ordination
    • Acceptata ACG 2001 Providence 2001 n. 496
    • Secunda ACG 2004 Kraków n. 375
    • Definitive ACG 2016 Bologna n. 298
    Revision history

    The following may be used to foster collaboration among the provinces of a region or nation:

    1. regular meetings between the priors provincial or differ­ent officials, such as the masters of novices, of students and of cooperator brothers, of regents, professors, promoters, etc.;
    2. interprovincial conferences or commissions for the study of common problems;
    3. national or regional promoters for different activities;
    4. a common novitiate or studentate or common centres, according to norms to be approved by the Master of the Order; 
    5. an agreement entered into with the consent of the Master of the Order for the erection of interprovincial convents and for making assignations from one province to another. 
    6. an agreement between two provincial chapters or priors provincial for making direct assignations from one province to a house of the other province, with due respect for nn 270 § I and II, 497 § I and 600, the Master of the Order, however, having been notified (see Appendix 16).
  • ordination
    • Acceptata ACG 2001 Providence 2001 n. 496
    • Secunda ACG 2004 Kraków n. 375
    • Definitive ACG 2016 Bologna n. 298
    Revision history

    The following may be used to foster collaboration among the provinces of a region or nation:

    1. regular meetings between the priors provincial or differ­ent officials, such as the masters of novices, of students and of cooperator brothers, of regents, professors, promoters, etc.;
    2. interprovincial conferences or commissions for the study of common problems;
    3. national or regional promoters for different activities;
    4. a common novitiate or studentate or common centres, according to norms to be approved by the Master of the Order; 
    5. an agreement entered into with the consent of the Master of the Order for the erection of interprovincial convents and for making assignations from one province to another. 
    6. an agreement between two provincial chapters or priors provincial for making direct assignations from one province to a house of the other province, with due respect for nn 270 § I and II, 497 § I and 600, the Master of the Order, however, having been notified (see Appendix 16).
  • ordenacio
    • Confirmed ACG 1968 River Forest n.
    Revision history

    Ad collaborationem inter provincias unius regionis vel nationis fovendam haberi possunt: 

    1. colloquia periodica inter priores provinciales vel diversos officiales, ut magistros novitiorum, fratrum studentium et cooperatorum, regentes, professores, promotores, etc.; 
    2. sessiones vel commissiones interprovinciales pro problematum communium studio; 
    3. promotores nationales vel regionales pro diversis operibus; 
    4. novitiatus vel studentatus communis vel centra communia, iuxta normas a magistro Ordinis adprobandas; 
    5. conventio, de consensu magistri Ordinis ineunda, pro erectione conventuum interprovincialium, necnon pro assignationibus faciendis de una provincia ad alteram. 


  • ordination
    • Confirmed ACG 1968 River Forest n.
    Revision history

    If it happens that the provincial chapters of a region are held at the same time, their diffinitories may have a joint meeting for some days to promulgate common admonitions, declarations, or ordinations.


  • ordination
    • Confirmed ACG 1968 River Forest n.
    Revision history
    1. Where a province or vice-province has already been established and members of other provinces are sent there to exercise the apostolic ministry, their work must be regulated in collaboration with the province or vice-province of that territory; so that, united in the same spirit and the same life, they may cooperate effectively and have a coordinated apostolate in that territory, and so, mindful of the common good, they may promote the Order’s progress in that region.
    2. To foster this cooperation, suitable norms shall be drawn up in writing between the province of the place and the province which has brothers ministering in those territories. These norms must have the consent of the chapter or council of each province and must be approved by the Master of the Order. They shall be reviewed and evaluated every fourth year by those involved so that they may be updated to meet the pastoral needs of the local Church.


  • ordination
    • Confirmed ACG 1968 River Forest n.
    Revision history

    Brothers belonging to different provinces who work in a region where no province has been established, should seek to exercise their apostolic ministry collaboratively, and, if possible, under unified direction according to norms established by agreement between the provinces concerned. This way the work of evangelization will be exercised more fully and the foundation of a new province be gradually prepared. These norms shall be reviewed and evaluated every fourth year by those to whom they pertain so that they might be updated.


  • ordination
    • Technice ACG 2016 Bologna n. 299
    Revision history
    1. Conferences of priors provincial and regional priors as well as vicars shall be established according to nations or regions so that fraternal collaboration is truly organized and has a permanent character. These conferences shall meet regularly according to norms drawn up by the members of the entities and approved by the Master of the Order.
    2. To foster these mutual relationships, the socii of the Master of the Order shall visit these regions frequently and remain there for some time. At an opportune time, they shall inform the Master of the Order and the general chapter about the activities and progress made there.
  • ordination
    • Confirmed ACG 1968 River Forest n.
    Revision history
    1. Conferences of priors provincial and regional priors as well as vicars shall be established according to nations or regions so that fraternal collaboration is truly organized and has a permanent character. These conferences shall meet regularly according to norms drawn up by the members of the entities and approved by the Master of the Order.
    2. To foster these mutual relationships, the socii of the Master of the Order shall visit these regions frequently and remain there for some time. At an opportune time, they shall inform the Master of the Order and the general chapter about the activities and progress made there.