Ongoing Formation
constitutionRevision history
- Confirmed ACG 1968 River Forest n.
Ongoing formation has to do with brothers’ renewal and development in keeping with the different stages of their life’s journey, so that they are increasingly prepared to adapt their preaching of the Word of God to people today who are preoccupied with contemporary concerns.
Within the province, the task of ongoing formation is the responsibility of the prior provincial assisted by the provincial promoter of ongoing formation. In the convent, the task falls to the prior, assisted by the conventual lector, and to the conventual chapter. In a house, the superior is responsible..
constitutionRevision history
- Confirmed ACG 1968 River Forest n.
- In every province, there is to be a promoter of ongoing formation under the authority of the prior provincial. His duties are as follows:
- to draw up yearly programmes of ongoing formation with the assistance of the province’s commission for the intellectual life;
- to coordinate such programmes at provincial, convent and house level at least once a year with priors, conventual lectors and superiors; the regent is to be consulted when studies are
under discussion; - to enter into communication with other centres and institutions of ongoing formation and also with experts in the field.
- The provincial promoter of ongoing formation is appointed by the provincial chapter for a four year term. During his tenure:
- he is moderator of the province’s centre for ongoing formation, with due regard for n. 92-bis, § I;
- he is a member of the commission for the intellectual life of the province;
- he is provided with a financial subsidy in the province’s annual budget