Requirements for Ministry
ordinationRevision history
- Confirmed ACG 1968 River Forest n.
The brothers must have appropriate faculties for preaching and hearing confessions. (CCL, Code of Canon Law, 764-765, 966 and following).
ordinationRevision history
- Confirmed ACG 1968 River Forest n.
The brothers may not preach within the confines of another province without the previous consent of its prior provincial, given at least habitually.
ordinationRevision history
- Technice ACG 2013 Traugurii n. 215
Those brothers who have passed the Order’s examination for hearing confessions, by the fact of having a document of approval signed by the examiners, have delegated jurisdiction over those persons subject to the Order, except the nuns, and over those others who live day and night in our houses convents. (CCL 967-969).
ordinationRevision history
- Confirmed ACG 1968 River Forest n.
Those brothers who have passed the Order’s examination for hearing confessions, by the fact of having a document of approval signed by the examiners, have delegated jurisdiction over those persons subject to the Order, except the nuns, and over those others who live day and night in our houses. (CCL 967-969).
ordinationRevision history
- Acceptata ACG 2010 Romæ n. 266
- Secunda ACG 2013 Traugurii n. 216
- Definitive ACG 2016 Bologna n. 267
The brothers should always remember that their public statements (in books, newspapers, on radio and television, and other forms of mass media) reflect not only on themselves but also on their brothers, on the Order and the Church. For this reason, in reaching a judgement they should be careful to foster a spirit of dialogue and mutual responsibility with their brothers and superiors. If their speaking or writing is about controversial issues, they should give special attention to this crucial dialogue with major superiors.
ordinationRevision history
- Acceptata ACG 2010 Romæ n. 266
- Secunda ACG 2013 Traugurii n. 216
- Definitive ACG 2016 Bologna n. 267
The brothers should always remember that their public statements (in books, newspapers, on radio and television, and other forms of mass media) reflect not only on themselves but also on their brothers, on the Order and the Church. For this reason, in reaching a judgement they should be careful to foster a spirit of dialogue and mutual responsibility with their brothers and superiors. If their speaking or writing is about controversial issues, they should give special attention to this crucial dialogue with major superiors.
ordinationRevision history
- Acceptata ACG 2010 Romæ n. 266
- Secunda ACG 2013 Traugurii n. 216
- Definitive ACG 2016 Bologna n. 267
The brothers should always remember that their public statements (in books, newspapers, on radio and television, and other forms of mass media) reflect not only on themselves but also on their brothers, on the Order and the Church. For this reason, in reaching a judgement they should be careful to foster a spirit of dialogue and mutual responsibility with their brothers and superiors. If their speaking or writing is about controversial issues, they should give special attention to this crucial dialogue with major superiors.
ordinationRevision history
- Confirmed ACG 1968 River Forest n.
The brothers should always remember that their public statements (in books, newspapers, on radio and television) reflect not only on themselves but also on their brothers, on the Order and the Church. For this reason, in reaching a judgement they should be careful to foster a spirit of dialogue and mutual responsibility with their brothers and superiors. If their speaking or writing is about controversial issues, they should give special attention to this crucial dialogue with major superiors.
constitutionRevision history
- Confirmed ACG 1968 River Forest n.
- The brothers need the written permission of their major superior to publish books.
- If the major superior has doubts regarding matters of faith or morals, he shall appoint a commission of three experts to study the work.
- If he refuses permission, he must tell the author the reasons for refusing.
- An author who has been refused permission by a major superior can appeal to the Master of the Order. The Master shall set up a commission to examine the text. The judgement of the Master of the Order shall be definitive.
ordinationRevision history
- Confirmed ACG 1968 River Forest n.
One copy of each book published shall be sent to the archives of the Order and another to the archives of the province.