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The Social Dimension of Our Ministry


  • ordination
    • Confirmed ACG 1968 River Forest n.
    Revision history

    The task of preaching the kingdom of heaven already begun with the incarnation of the Word of God whose object it is to restore all things in Christ, impels us to promote the proper ordering of society.


  • ordination
    • Confirmed ACG 1968 River Forest n.
    Revision history
    1. First of all, the consciences of God’s people need to be enlightened about the implications of their membership of human society and they should be encouraged to join forces with all people of good will in a common effort to establish on earth a kingdom of justice, fraternal love and peace.
    2. To achieve this, we should provide training, especially for the laity, acknowledging and supporting their proper mission of building modern society.


  • ordination
    • Confirmed ACG 1968 River Forest n.
    Revision history

    The brothers ought to devote their energies to investigating human and moral problems that are constantly occurring. Working with experts in various social fields, they should pay due attention to the theological dimension of these problems.


  • ordination
    • Confirmed ACG 1968 River Forest n.
    Revision history

    The social dimension of our apostolate should be, and be seen to be, a true service to humanity. Such service will be confirmed by the efforts and undertakings on humanity’s behalf, in true gospel freedom, independent of particular factions.