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Basic Requirements


  • constitution
    • Confirmed ACG 1968 River Forest n.
    Revision history

    Like St Dominic, who was full of solicitude for all of humanity, the brothers should know that they have been sent to all men and women, all groups and peoples, believers and unbelievers, and especially the poor; this with a view to evangelising and implanting the Church among the nations, and explaining and strengthening the faith of Christian people.


  • constitution
    • Confirmed ACG 1968 River Forest n.
    Revision history
    1. The ministry of the word is a sharing in the prophetic office of the bishops; therefore the preachers must accept the entire gospel message and cultivate a living understanding of the mystery of salvation as it is handed down and explained in the Church. Dominican preaching must always be marked by this evangelical spirit and sound teaching.
    2. So that the salvific influence of our preaching may reach everyone, we must do more than merely observe the situations and aspirations of those whom we address. We must establish a living relationship with them, so that the preaching of the revealed word adjusted to their understanding, may remain the law of all evangelisation, especially among those who are far from the faith.
      Thus our spirit ought to be open both to the Spirit of God and to the hearts of those to whom the word of God is being preached, so that it may obtain a communication of the light, the love and the strength of the Paraclete.
      Consequently, the brothers should learn to recognise the Spirit working in the midst of God’s people, and to discern the treasures hidden in the various forms of human culture, by which human nature is more fully manifested and new paths to truth are opened.
    3. The brothers should cultivate the spiritual life and the human virtues so that their behaviour does not weaken the impact of their message.


  • constitution
    • Confirmed ACG 1968 River Forest n.
    Revision history
    1. Preaching is a shared work, the responsibility of the entire community; that is why in the tradition of our Order a convent is often called a ‘holy preaching.’
    2. The cooperator brothers take part in the community apostolate not only by providing for the needs of the convent but also by a ministry properly so-called, either working with their priest brothers or exercising talents in the apostolate.
    3. The superior and the brothers should together reflect on the common task of preaching and make it their own, so that the whole community may become responsible. However, the right of the superior to make final decisions and accept particular ministries remains intact.
    4. In fraternal gatherings the brothers should discuss their apostolic experiences and problems, studying them to- gether and joining forces in special groups in order to exercise a more effective ministry.


  • ordination
    • Confirmed ACG 1968 River Forest n.
    Revision history
    1. Wherever the brothers exercise their ministry, they should cooperate with the bishops in planning the apostolate whether at diocesan or national level.
    2. Collaboration with other priests and religious is strongly recommended, especially in those matters pertaining to our charism, so that our apostolate and that of others may be mutually complementary in the common service of the Church.
    3. Since by baptism and confirmation the laity are deputed to the apostolate, with them we must try to make the Church, the sacrament of salvation, present and permanent in all spheres of society.
    4. Finally, remembering that everyone of goodwill is made in the image of God the creator and hope of salvation, the brothers should not hesitate to collaborate with them, even though they may not yet be able to preach the gospel to them.
      They should familiarise themselves with the human virtues and methods of discussion and dialogue which are especially required when cooperating with people of other persuasions.


  • constitution
    • Confirmed ACG 1968 River Forest n.
    Revision history

    To teach orally and by the written word sacred theology and other disciplines which serve to understand and spread the faith is an essential part of the Dominican vocation.


  • ordination
    • Confirmed ACG 1968 River Forest n.
    Revision history
    1. The brothers should be present in universities, scientific centres and institutes and in different kinds and grades of schools, our own or those belonging to others, especially as teachers and religious assistants.
    2. Specially trained brothers should work with experts in different spheres of knowledge, both by joining in their research and by searching for ways of communicating to them the truth of the gospel, so that the progress of culture may lead to a clearer understanding of the human vocation and stimulate minds to a more profound understanding of the faith.


  • ordination
    • Confirmed ACG 1968 River Forest n.
    Revision history

    Those brothers who have special talent and training should make full use of the mass media to spread the truth and form correct public opinion.


  • constitution
    • Confirmed ACG 1968 River Forest n.
    Revision history
    1. Whatever form it takes, the ministry of the word is intimately connected with the sacraments, finding its completion in them. The Christian life is born, nourished and strengthened by word and sacraments. The faithful, therefore, ought to be taught the meaning of the sacraments and should be properly disposed to receive them.
    2. The Eucharist is the centre of the Church’s life, the source and the summit of all evangelisation. The brothers should meditate attentively on the grace of this wonderful sacrament, pondering its importance for their salvation and that of others. They should so convince the faithful of its effectiveness and its fruitfulness that they will be persuaded to take part in the breaking of bread frequently, actively and reverently.
    3. The sacrament of penance and its administration are closely linked to the ministry of the word, for the conversion of heart which preachers endeavour to inspire is achieved through pardon and reconciliation with God and the Church; further, the sacrament and its administration contribute to the enlightenment and formation of consciences and the development of the evangelical spirit.
      The brothers therefore should always show themselves willing and ready for the fruitful administration of the sacrament of penance. When exercising this ministry they should pay attention to what modern scientific advances tell us about the human condition and about the psychological make-up of the individual. For the same reason, they should hold in the highest esteem education in the Christian life.