The Sacred Liturgy
constitutionRevision history
- Confirmed ACG 1968 River Forest n.
It is the express wish of St Dominic that the solemn celebration of the liturgy in common be accepted as one of the principal duties of our vocation.
The mystery of salvation is present and active in the liturgy, especially in the Eucharist. The brothers should take part in the mystery, contemplate it, proclaim it through preaching to all so that they may be incorporated into Christ through the sacraments of faith.
In the liturgy, the brothers, together with Christ, glorify God for his eternal plan and for the wonderful workings of grace. They pray to the Father of mercies for the whole Church, for
the needs and salvation of the whole world. Thus, the celebration of the liturgy is the centre and heart of our life, the basic source of our unity.
constitutionRevision history
- Confirmed ACG 1968 River Forest n.
The brothers should celebrate publicly the conventual Mass and the liturgy of the hours. And since the liturgy is an act of the whole people of God, the participation of the people in all our celebrations should be promoted.
constitutionRevision history
- Confirmed ACG 1968 River Forest n.
- The celebration of the conventual Mass ought to be the centre of the community liturgy. The memorial of the Lord’s death and resurrection is the bond of brotherly love, and the principal source of apostolic vigour.
- For this reason it is preferable that the conventual Mass be concelebrated because in it the unity of the sacerdotal ministry and of the community is more clearly signified.
- The daily celebration of the eucharistic sacrifice is recommended for all priests because even in the absence of the faithful it is an act of Christ and of the Church.
- Those who are not priests should participate in Mass daily.
constitutionRevision history
- Confirmed ACG 1968 River Forest n.
The brothers should avail of sacramental confession frequently so as to foster the process of on-going conversion of life.
constitutionRevision history
- Confirmed ACG 1968 River Forest n.
- In our communities, the conventual Mass and the liturgy of the hours should be celebrated daily in choir.
- Where the conventual Mass and the entire office cannot be celebrated in common, due to a legitimate impediment, at least Lauds and Vespers should be celebrated. If the situation is habitual it should be acknowledged by the prior provincial and his council.
- When the liturgy of the hours cannot, for a just reason be celebrated in choir, it should be celebrated in another suitable place, especially so that the faithful can participate actively in the liturgical prayer of the brothers.
constitutionRevision history
- Confirmed ACG 1968 River Forest n.
- With due regard for the demands of the apostolate, the liturgy of the hours should be so arranged in each community that the different times of the day will be truly sanctified.
- The daily office revolves round two pivotal moments: Lauds as morning prayer and Vespers as evening prayer. These are to be regarded as the principal hours and celebrated as such.
constitutionRevision history
- Confirmed ACG 1968 River Forest n.
All the brothers are bound to the celebration of the conventual Mass and the liturgy of the hours in choir. All should be conscious of this common obligation. Those who are solemnly professed but who cannot be present at the common celebration should say the liturgy of the hours privately. Those who are simply professed should say at least Lauds and Vespers.
vacatedRevision history
- Confirmed ACG 1968 River Forest n.
constitutionRevision history
- Confirmed ACG 1968 River Forest n.
It is appropriate to sing at least a part of the divine office, especially those sections which of their nature especially require to be sung. Our celebrations should be characterised by simplicity and moderation.